The departure of the Fellowship

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All ten of us were stood, and I was helping Sam load up Bill the pony. We all stood in front of Elrond.

"The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom and you who travel with him."Elrond said. "No oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will."

Aragorn smiled at Arwen who dropped her head.

"Farewell. Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of elves," he was referring to Legolas, "And Men," to Aragorn and Boromir, "And all free folk," he looked at Gimli, Me and the other Hobbits, "Go with you." he raised his hand, gesturing for us to leave.

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring bearer." Gandalf said, and Frodo nervously made his way to the front.

We all started walking. "Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Frodo asked.

"Left." Gandalf said and placed a hand on Frodo's shoulder.

We all walked in a line, it went Frodo at the front with Gandalf, then Legolas, then Gimli, then Me, Merry and Pippin, then Boromir, then Sam and Bill the pony, and Aragorn at the back. This is how we walked pretty much the whole way, over the bridge, and over kunstijs until we stopped.

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