The pass of Caradhras

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Some time later we were all walking up the freezing mountain covered in snow. The further we walked up the more windy it got.

I could feel the cold getting to me and I could feel my hands were going numb.

All of a sudden Frodo slipped and went rolling down the hill behind us. I looked back and stopped. Aragorn helped Frodo up and he then realised he ring wasn't around his neck anymore.

Boromir was stood a few metres ahead of them, the chain in his hand with the ring dangling off of it. He had found it in the snow after Frodo must've dropped it when he fell.

"Boromir." Aragorn said.

He started at it for a few moments before I made an awkward coughing noise and then Aragorn gave Boromir a look.

"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing..." Boromir murmured, looking mesmerised by the gold in front of him.

"What's going on down there?" Merry walked up next to me.

"Er... I'm not sure-"

"Boromir!" Aragorn said more loudly this time which snapped my attention back to them. "Give the ring to Frodo."

Boromir abruptly stopped and snapped out of whatever isolation he was in, immediately walking over to a worried looking Frodo before hesitating slightly, and then holding the ring out for Frodo. He quickly snatched it from Boromir's hand and put it back on 'safely' around his neck.

Boromir chuckled and ruffled Frodo's hair.

"Come on, we should... g-go." I said and shivered under my coat.

The further up the mountain we walked the colder and windier it got. I looked down at my fingers and they were almost frozen numb. My hands were red raw and the tips of my fingers had a tint of blue in them. Great.

Other than the cold, it was going okay. That was until the whole mountain shook slightly and I let out a little squeal.

"W-what is it!?" Merry shouted over the wind.

"D-did you not- f-feel that!?" I stuttered.

Merry almost fell over as the mountain shook again but worse this time. Chunks of snow fell from the stop the mountain.

"Merry!" I squealed as a large chunk of ice almost hit him on the head.

I jumped ahead, clinging onto Merry for dear life. We were a tad behind the others so we had no choice but to help each other keep our balance.

The wind had suddenly picked up and it was like a snow storm. Then a loud voice rang through the air. We could barely see through all the snow, but I saw a look on Gandalf's face and I knew it wasn't good. Not good at all. We were in trouble.

Legolas, being the light and graceful Elf he is just ran along the top of the snow as if he weighed nothing more than a feather. He stood higher up on a clump of snow.

'"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya!'"

"There is a fell voice in the air."

"It's Saruman!"

All of a sudden a mighty crack above us made me look up and then big, hard chunks of snow and rock came falling down, narrowly missing us. I tried my hardest not to scream and looked back at Aragorn who was now behind me.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf! We must turn back!"

I nodded in agreement and looked at Gandalf as well as everyone else.

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