The Prancing Pony

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We finally arrived outside Bree, and it was pouring with rain. Our hooded cloaks helped keep us somewhat dry, but not for long. After making our way through a small area of trees, Frodo glanced up and down the road and then headed across, indicating for us to follow him. We approached a big wooden gate, and Frodo knocked a few times. After a few moments I knocked too, harder.

"Alright alright!" said whoever was behind the gate, with a groan.

Seconds later a window in the gate above us opened, then shut again and one that was lower down, almost at head height with us, flung open. A rather elderly man peered down at us, glaring at the sight of us.

"What do you want?" He asked stubbornly.

"We're heading for The Prancing Pony." Frodo replied.

The man lifted his head up and started unlocking the gate. He opened it and got a proper look at us.

"Hobbits! Five Hobbits! What's more out of The Shire by your talk! What business brings you to Bree?"

"We wish to stay at the Inn. Our business is our own." Frodo answered him stubbornly.

"Alright young sir, I meant no offence. My job to ask questions after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful!" He said as he stepped aside for us to walk through.

We trudged through the dark village, the rain pouring down on us. We dodged through the crowds of men and horses, crates and other large obstacles. All we got were glares, or people complaining at us to move out of the way, and some confused looks.

Soon, Frodo came to a half, causing us all to stop behind him. We looked to the side and saw a sign that said 'The Prancing Pony' and quickly headed inside.

We stood in the entrance for a moment, taking our hoods down. I dried my hair off a bit. Then we walked over to the bar. Many people barged past us, carrying large mugs of beer. It was quite loud, most people were talking, laughing and joking around. We approached the bar, Frodo still in front.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

A man behind the bar poked his head over to look at us. "Good Evening little masters! What can I do for you? If you're looking for accomodation, we've got some nice, cosy hobbit sized rooms available. Always proud to cater to the little folk, Mr err...?"

"Underhill! My name is Underhill."

"Underhill... yes..."

"We're friends of Gandalf The Grey, can you tell him we've arrived?"

"Gandalf?" The man looked confused for a moment. "Oh yes, Gandalf! Big grey beard, pointy hat! Ain't seen him for six months!" He said, then turned around to serve some other people.

Oh no. Gandalf wasn't here. What on Earth were we meant to do now!?

I turned to look at the others who also looked as worried as I was.

"What do we do now?" Sam asked, looking at Frodo and I.

I shrugged and then we went through and sat down at a table that was quite large considering we were Hobbits sat at a human sized table. So I sat down and asked for half a pint; I didn't want to get in any way drunk. Not now. Not that I've ever really been much of a drinker anyway.

Frodo kept reassuring Sam that Gandalf would be here and that he would come soon. Sam was getting very worked up, I could see it in his face.

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