Part 8

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I looked at the door before signing and leaving the room after Fred, I walked down the stairs and into the living room where Stefan sat with the twins on either side of him. "Breakfast?" I asked the three boys and they all nodded, "I'll help you" Stefan said as he stood up from the couch.

"Ohh no need, I can take care of it" I told him, "none sense, I want to help" Stefan said and I sighed looking at the twins hopeful one of them would say something. "You know what I do too" Fred said standing up thankfully picking up on the hint I had been giving them. I sighed as if I was annoyed but I was secretly glad I would get to spend more time with Fred, the three of us made our way into the kitchen and Stefan instantly went into the fridge. 

"How about eggs and toast?" Stefan asked and I looked to Fred waiting for him to answer I didn't really care, "eggs and toast sounds good but I was hoping to make cinnamon French toast" Fred said and I instantly got water in my mouth. "That sounds delicious" I told him and smiled a little at Fred as George made his way out of the living room "did someone say cinnamon French toast?" he asked and Fred and I chuckled at him. 

"Do you want to help me do mom's recipe?" Fred asked his twin brother and he nodded pulling the sleeves on his jumper up a little bit as he walked closer to the three of us. "What can I do to help?" I asked the two with a smile on my face, I had almost completely forgotten that Stefan was here until he asked the same question as I did. 

The twins looked at us and smiled at me, "Y/N can you get us some cinnamon, one egg and some milk?" Fred asked "you" George said pointing at Stefan like he obviously didn't like him "can you get a deep dish and a fork" George then added. I instantly went to find the three things I had been asked to get while the twins looked for a pan, "in the cupord to your left George" I told him while I opened the fridge. 

"Thanks" George said, "don't you two need some butter to fry it from?" I asked them "oh yes we do" Fred said and I took some butter out of the fridge as well, I put the egg, milk and butter onto the counter before going into the pantry to get the cinnamon. When I walked out of the pantry Fred was on top of Stefan punching him in the face while George attempted to pull his twin off of him. 

"What's going on?" I asked George skeptically as to what had happened in there, "Stefan said some sexual things about you" George said as he just so managed to take Fred off of him. I instantly went inn front of Fred trying to calm him down, I put my hands on his upper arms and looked into his brown eyes that sparkled with anger. 

"Hey, hey don't worry about what he said, just breath, just breath" I told Fred trying my best to calm him down not looking away from his eyes, "he said he'd rape or fuck you any day" Fred said as anger flew through his voice. At that I stepped aside, I didn't care, I stood beside George just acting like nothing was going on, until there was a knock on the door. 

When I went to answer there Molly stood, "hey dear, I just wanted to see how you're doing, the twins told me why they came to stay here, what is that sound?" she asked as she stepped into the house. When Molly saw what was going on she gasped in surprise, "why is no one doing anything?" she asked almost upset at what she was seeing, "Stefan said he'd rape or fuck Y/N any day" George explained as he finished making the toast. 

When Fred looked up at his mother he didn't seem to regret a thing as he picked Stefan up by the collar of his shirt and threw him outside, "I'll get your things, don't you dare step another foot anywhere near her" Fred said to him before shutting the door harshly in his face. He turned to me and hugged me tightly to him not caring that his mother was standing behind me and George was in the kitchen finishing our breakfast. 

I hugged Fred back "Fred, air" I whispered to him after a couple of minutes of him not letting me go, "sorry" Fred said as he pulled away and looked at his mom to see her surprised face, "I knew I was right" Molly said patting Fred on the back before leaving the house. "What?" I asked Fred looking at him with a questioning glance, "umm" Fred started but George saved him from explaining what Molly meant. 

"Breakfast" he called out to us and we both left the entry room and went into the kitchen to find George with a plate in hand with some cinnamon French toast and some syrup, "I looked around" he explained when I raised an eyebrow at the obvious syrup on the plates. George put the last plate down and sat at the side of the table that only had one seat, making Fred and I having no choose but to sit next to each other. 

The three of us ate breakfast while laughing and joking around, the toast was one of the best toasts I had had in a long time. I thanked the two boys for the toast and told them they could always come if they wanted to make some toast again, then the twins were gone saying they had to go home to help their mom with something. 

I smiled after them as I watched them leave my place each with a backpack and going home to see their mom, Fred probably getting a scolding for punching Stefan.  

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