part 9

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I plopped myself down on the couch and turned the TV on trying to find something to watch, just as I was about to give up there was a knock on the door and I stood up hoping it wasn't going to be Stefan trying to get back inside. When I opened the door nobody was there, I looked all around but there was nobody to be seen, then I looked down and I saw a package, I picked it up to take a closer look, it wasn't the mail man, I hadn't ordered anything even though it had my name on it. 

I ended up deciding to take the package inside, I examined it a bit before I was sure it was safe to open up, I went outside to the backyard with a sharp knife to cut the tape on the box. When I opened it up I was glad I opened it up outside, fireworks shoot out of the box and formed a 'go out with me' I blushed, I knew it was one of the Weasleys, probably Fred or George, I didn't think Charly or Percy would do something like that. 

I looked back in the box and it was empty, no card or anything, no name, I didn't know which one it was and I frowned a bit, I knew very well that I hoped it would be Fred rather than George. I looked over to the fence and I saw a head filled with red hair quickly go down so I couldn't see which one it was, "I know you're there, are you Fred or George?" I asked the twin that was hiding behind the fence. 

Fred hesitantly came from behind the fence and I smiled as I felt my heart flutter a bit in my chest, the butterflies started forming and I felt my knees go a bit week, he had his hair styled a little better than normal and he had a muggle button up shirt, he looked more handsome than normally. I smiled at him and went over to him, "was that from you?" I asked and I saw his face become as red as his hair and I felt the blush come to my cheeks as well "yeah, I know we haven't know each other for a very long time but I really really like you Y/N" Fred said and I smiled going up on my tip toes and planting a soft kiss onto his lips. 

Fred smiled and kissed back, when we pulled our lips apart from each other we both smiled, "I would love to go out with you Fred Weasley" I said and he smiled even wider, "you go Freddie" we heard George call from their place and we both chuckled. "He had an extendable ear" Fred explained and I chuckled again shaking my head with a smile on my lips. 

"Hey, can I come to your store sometime?" I asked and Fred nodded his head, just this morning he had been punching the shit out of Stefan and now he was sweeping me off of my feat. "How about now? George and I need to go either way since we're supposed to open up in like an hour" Fred asked and I nodded "sure, let me go grab my things and I'll meet you out front?" I asked and he nodded "of course" he said and left while I went inside. 

When I grabbed my stuff I smiled and almost screamed, I was going on a date with Fred Weasley sometime, he had asked me on a date in the cutest way possible, with his pranking and joking behavior this was the best way. I looked in the mirror before I opened the door and fixed my hair a little, I took a deep breath and grabbed my keys, then I opened the door to be met with the twins both smirking their classical smirk at me and I smiled. 

"Ready to go?" Fred asked and I nodded, "wait, how will we get there? where is it?" I asked and they both chuckled, "we'll use appiration, it's a magical way of traveling and we both have our license" George explained and I got a skeptical look on my face. "Don't worry we've done this a million times" Fred reassured me taking my hand in his holding it gently and I smiled at him and then nodded. 

"Ready?" Fred asked and I gulped down "as ready as I'll ever be" I mumbled to them and they both smiled, George took my other hand and soon we were spinning in the air, after a couple of seconds that felt like hours we landed in front of a huge building in the middle of a street I didn't recognize. "Welcome to Diagon Alley, a wizarding shopping street" Fred said and I smiled, instantly getting excited about this, George took a key out of his pocket and opened the door up, both boys stepped aside for me to enter first. 

When I got inside it was magical, there were, what I assumed to be, pranking items on almost all walls and hanging in the air by magic, there was what looked like a popcorn machine close to the front door, to my left were a lot of shelfs that held a lot of different items. Then on my right were two bookshelf's filled with some sort of boxes that held god knew what in them, then there were some of what looked like candy, there was a circle table in the middle of the floor with a sign that spun in circles, the sign said 'love potions' and I chuckled. 

"Do they actually work?" I asked Fred as he walked past me while holding a box and he smiled, "of course they actually work, although they only work for five hours" he explained and I smiled while nodding continuing to look around at this magical place. "Hey Y/N will you help me stock up over here?" George asked motioning me in the direction of the weird boxes, I smiled and walked over to him, "what are these boxes" I asked and he smirked. 

The unexpected wizard (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now