Part 3

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I made some easy conversation with the twins until their mother called them to go take some of the food out, I offered to help but they insisted that I just sit back and relax, "mom, we're here" I heard a male voice boom through the house. Then a male with the same red hair as everyone else there with his hair in a man bun and a woman with long blond almost white hair came out of the house.

"Hi, I'm Bill, this is my wife Fluer, I'm guessing you're Y/N mom and dads new neighbor?" he said and I almost dropped my face, how come everyone here knew who I was, I thought to myself, I dropped the thought and smiled, "yes, that's me, it's nice to meet you" I said before shaking his hand. "Bill stop trying to get away from help bring food out here" Fred said and I chuckled at him, Fred and George had a good sense of humor and they were just always so happy and smiley.

Once all of the food was out we all sat down to eat, I sat beside Fred and Ginny, the youngest and the only girl of all of the siblings, dinner was delicious and I talked happily with everyone until my phone had to ring. Everyone seemed to get startled except for Harry and Hermione, I grabbed my phone to see who it was only to see my dads number on the screen, "I'm sorry but I have to take this" I told them before standing up and answering the phone.

"Dad, hey" I said into the phone but then someone else answered, "Mrs. Y/L/N, this is nurse Jackson at the local hospital in Canada, your parents had a car accident and went off of the road" the nurse said and I felt my legs become week and I fell into the grass. I soon felt a calming hand rubbing circles onto my back as I felt tears fall from my eyes, sure my parents had never showed me any love but they were my parents after all.

"Your dad passed away immediately although your mom passed away on the way to the hospital, your mom managed to tell us that she wanted you to have the house you lived in right now" the nurse said and I let a sob escape. "Can I ask, was my dad driving and was he drunk?" I asked the nurse and I heard her sigh "yes and yes, I'm sorry dear" the nurse said, "thank you, will you send their bodies home?" I asked "of course" the nurse said and I smiled a small smile "thank you" I said.

We made some easy arrangements and then we hung up, I looked to my left to see Fred there, he smiled sadly at me obviously understanding what happened. We went back to the table where the rest was still sitting and talking quietly between them self's, Fred and I sat down and it was like nothing had happened over that phone call.

We all ate while we all talked and laughed, I didn't laugh a real laugh although I joined in with my fake one whenever anyone would laugh. After we had eaten it was late and I had to get going home, home to the huge almost empty house that I now owned myself and had to pay for myself.

Of course my dad would make the same mistake as he did all those years ago, of course he just had to go ahead and kill the only family I had left. That night I fell asleep with the feeling of being alone in the world, the feeling of warm tears falling down my cheeks, the feeling of being empty inside.

That night I barely slept at all, I was constantly waking up to one nightmare or the other, sometimes it would be the same nightmare of my brother screaming at the car accident those years ago while the other times it would be my parents screams. I sighed as I looked at my clock to see that it was only 6am, although I didn't bother going back to sleep, I went out of bed and down stairs and made myself some coffee.

I grabbed a cookie from two days ago and I sighed, I need to go grocery shopping today, I don't have any food, I thought to myself as I looked inside the fridge to see what I would need. Not to my surprise the fridge was as empty as they get, nothing but some shelfs in there, I sighed before going online to see when the store in the closest town would open so I could be there as soon as I could.

Thankfully the store opened at 9am, when I had found out the time the store opens it was already 6:30am so I decided on a long warm shower before leaving the house. After taking the shower I put a white T-shirt and some black skinny jeans on, I grabbed my side bag and went to the car since it was already 8:30am when I finished.

I saw Molly leave the house when I drove past and it seemed that she was pointing something out to Bill and the twins and I smiled to myself as I drove into the small down that was closest to us. It was easy for me to find the grocery store as I parked the car before taking a shopping cart and going into the store, I decided that since the Weasleys offered me to spend dinner with them the evening before I would invite them to a barbecue tonight.

I grabbed some hamburgers and some buns for the meat, I grabbed some vegies and some souses, I grabbed some caned soda and some juice, I also grabbed some food for me to have for dinner the next couple of days and some breakfast foods and other goodies to eat and drink as well as a lot of bottled water.

I sighed at the outcome when I could barely fit everything into my car.

The unexpected wizard (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now