Part 14

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After our date ended Fred drove me home and kissed me good bye, the kiss was passionate yet soft and caring, the kiss was deep but still strong. I smiled at Fred as I watched him walk back to his house, I smiled to myself while opening the door into the house, I felt my knees go week and I slid down the door a smile as big as the moon plastered on my face. 

I took my phone out to check the time, it was already past lunch and nearing dinner, I stood up a huge smile still on my face as I looked into the fridge, I found 500 grams of ground beef and figured I could split it up and put some into the freezer so it fit for myself. After splitting the meat up I had another idea and put it all back together into my stand mixer, I cut some onion and other things up before throwing all of it into the mixer with the meat. 

I broke some eggs before putting them in, as well as some salt crackers and turned the mixer on before going to cut some veggies up for a pasta souse, after the meat was mixed well together I got myself gloves and put them on to make the meat balls. I got some water on the highest setting the stove would go before putting some flaky salt and some oil into the water and made it boil before throwing the pasta in and waiting for it to be ready to eat. 

Once my food was finished I put everything onto the table and ate in silence until I heard a tap on my living room window, I stood up and checked what it was only to see an owl out there. I quickly opened the window remembering that the twins had said something about owl post, the owl like I suspected had a letter tied to it and I smiled untying the letter from the owls leg. 

"I'm sorry I don't have any owl treats and I don't know what you're allowed to eat" I told the owl, when the owl didn't move I looked at it suspiciously and opened the letter hoping my food wouldn't be cold by the time I finally got to it. When I opened the letter I read over it, Ginny and Harry got together, I smiled at the letter and grabbed a pen before writing a quick congratulations and then told her I would be quiet until she wanted to tell everyone. I also added a quick ps that Fred and I had gotten together earlier that day and I handed the owl the letter before it flew out the window, I smiled after it as I went back into the kitchen. 

I lightly tapped my food to see if it was still warm, thankfully it was still warm enough for me to eat it, when I finished eating I stood up and put everything away, I put the dishes into the dishwasher and the leftover food into the fridge. After putting everything away I smiled at myself and sat down on the couch turning the TV on and seeing animal planet, I smiled and continued watching while scrolling through Instagram. 

I was woken up to a knock on my door, I slowly rubbed the sleep from my eyes before standing up and seeing the TV still on, I went and answered the door only to see Fred there, he chuckled at me and I moved so he could come inside. "I want to know everything about the muggle world" he then said and I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled a genuine smile as I motioned him to sit down while I went to make coffee. 

When I came into the living room Fred sat and watched the TV with fasination, I chuckled at him before sitting down beside him just letting him watch animal planet, when I woke up again I had my head on Fred's shoulder and he had his arm around me still just watching the TV. "Did I really fall asleep again?" I asked and Fred chuckled, nodding "yep you did, although, you know, you're adorable when you sleep" Fred said smirking a little and I felt myself blush  before Fred kissed my forehead. 

After I had been awake for about an hour I heard my phone chime telling me I got a notification so I picked it up while Fred looked all around trying to see where that sound came from, I chuckled holding the phone up for him to see where it came from. "Ah, someone just liked my picture" I told Fred and he raised an eyebrow at me in confusion, I ended up showing him how phones worked and how Instagram worked and all those typical things. 

All too soon the clock chimed 9pm, "shoot, mom will kill me, I promised I'd be home before dinner" Fred said as he noticed the time and I smiled, "do you think she'll let you eat anything?" I asked and we both chuckled. "I'm not sure, what do you have in mind?" Fred said as a small smirk appeared on his face and I chuckled at his childish behavior "well, I have some leftovers from dinner yesterday, would you want some? I had meatballs and spaghetti with some pasta souse" I told Fred and I noticed him gulp down the water forming in his mouth. 

"I would love to, that sounds absolutely delicious" Fred said and I chuckled before standing up and getting the leftovers out of the fridge. After about 20 minutes the food was ready and we were sat at the dining table eating our food as we talked about this and that, Fred asked me some questions about the whole muggle world and told me how his dad loved all muggle things. 

When we finished eating I showed Fred my favorite movie, Jurassic world, after what felt like only five minutes I felt someone lift me up off of the couch and I felt the smell of Fred as I cuddled further into his chest. I felt Fred carry me up the stairs and felt him put me down onto my own bed, just when he was about to leave I grabbed his hand, "please don't leave" I whispered to him and I heard him sign before getting into the bed before I cuddled up to him. 

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