Part 20

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Christmas came too soon for the Weasley's and I, I stood in the baby's room, Molly had been coming over a couple of times a week to check up on the baby so I wouldn't have to go to an actual doctor. After having that many kids herself she knew enough about how to do things and how to check up on the baby and all that.

Fred came up from behind me and put his arms around me and my stomach, I was just starting to show a little, being three months and two weeks pregnant and celebrating Christmas was a big thing I never though I would do. "You look absolutely gorgeous" he whispered into my ear as I stood in front of the mirror in our bedroom, before Fred kissed my cheek. (This is what you wore, feel free to change it into something you like)

I looked to my left to be able to look Fred in the eyes, his eyes sparkled with mischief and I raised an eyebrow, "what did you do now?" I asked him and he shook his head, "we're telling everyone tonight" Fred said and my eyes went huge, we hadn't...

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I looked to my left to be able to look Fred in the eyes, his eyes sparkled with mischief and I raised an eyebrow, "what did you do now?" I asked him and he shook his head, "we're telling everyone tonight" Fred said and my eyes went huge, we hadn't told anyone but Molly and George. "Are you sure Fred, your siblings, especially Ginny, will go crazy" I told Fred and he nodded his head now resting on my small shoulder as we looked at each other in the mirror.

"I love you, but we need to go if we want to make it in time for dinner" Fred said and I smiled at him through the mirror, "did I mention how good you look?" I asked him as he froze in his position, letting me check him out a little. He had a red tie with a white button up shirt on and some black trousers with black dress shoes along with the other things, I smirked at him when our eyes met, "you know, you look really handsome" I told him and he chuckled.

"Come on, we really need to go you two" George said as he stuck his head in the doorway of Fred's and I's room, I sighed and looked at Fred as he put a hand on my lower back and lead me out of the door. When we reached the burrow Fred knocked on the door and Ginny opened the door with a huge smile on her face, she hugged me and then the two boys and I laughed when she put me before the boys.

"Marry Christmas" I said as the three of us walked into the house and Molly stuck her head out from the kitchen, "Merry Christmas you three" she said before going back into the kitchen. "I'm going to go help your mom" I said but Fred put a hand on my upper arm "don't carry too heavy will you, and be careful?" Fred begged with his eyes and I smiled at him before kissing his lips and nodding.

When I got into the kitchen I smiled at Molly "you want some help?" I asked her but she shook her head, "no, not from you dear, you just go sit down and ask Ginny to get in here" Molly said and I smiled at her "are you sure, you know I'm not that far along" I told her and she shook her head. I sighed and left the kitchen, when I got into the living room I shook my head at Fred who smiled, obviously happy his mom didn't allow me to help her, "Ginny, your mom wanted help in the kitchen" I told Ginny and she raised an eyebrow. 

"But why couldn't you help, you said it earlier you were going to go help her" Ginny complained as she stood up, "ask her, I don't really know" I told her and she sighed but she went into the kitchen either way. I sat down on Fred's lap, "you two are getting heavy" Fred whispered into my ear and I chuckled at him before standing up and just standing, not wanting to take Ginny's seat.

"Sit down, honestly" George said but I shook my head, just before I was going to answer the floo network went on and in stepped another red head, I smiled at Charlie and he smiled back knowing I hadn't said anything about his sexuality. "Why are you two smiling at each other like that?" Fred suddenly asked and I chuckled at him "we just have some secrets" I told him pecking his lips and stealing his seat. 

Fred smiled at the fact I was sitting down as he sat down on the floor in front of me, stealing small glances at my stomach, I smiled at him when he made his hand slightly brush past my stomach when he was in a deep conversation with George about some more prank products. Charlie sat down on the floor beside his brother and he smiled at me, "I see the two of you finally got together didn't you?" Charlie asked and I chuckled at him but nodded "yeah we did" I told him looking lovingly at Fred who was talking so passionatly to George. 

"You really love him?" Charlie asked and I nodded not taking my eyes off of that handsome man sitting at my feet, Fred looked up to me and smiled before pecking my lips as he and George both stood up "we're going to go try a pranking item out, we'll be back before dinner" Fred said and I smiled, Although just before they reached the door Molly came out, "DINNER!" she called around the house. I smirked at the twins before I stood up myself, all of us ate the dinner, all laughing and having fun, when everything was off of the table Molly called everyone into the living room. 

Thankfully I had been sitting on one of the couches when she called everyone in there, everyone seemed confused as to why she was calling everyone in there except for Fred who smirked and I realized this was his way of telling everyone. When everyone were sat somewhere in there Molly took two packages from behind her back and now even Fred was confused, "mom, what's going on? boxing day isn't until tomorrow" Ginny pointed out. 

"I know that Ginny dear, although these two have to be given now" Molly said and handed Fred and I one package each, I looked over at Fred who shrugged and we both removed the tags, "read the tag afterwards" Molly shoot in, Fred and I raised our eyebrows at her and she nodded in encouragement. Fred and I slowly opened the packages, the one Fred had came out a oncy that said 'I can't wait to meet you daddy' while the one I got said 'I can't wait to meet you mommy' and I got tears in my eyes, the pregnancy hormones coming clear now. 

"Molly" I said standing up and hugging her tightly to me, "what's going on?" Ron asked and Molly smirked at Fred who took the tag off of the package, "congratulations on having twins" he read out and I dropped the oncy I had been holding. "Oh my merlin, Y/N you're pregnant!" Ginny shouted and I smiled before looking to Fred, "I mean twins are in both our families, are we really that surprised about it?" Fred asked and I shook my head. 

"Wait, I'm going to be a grandpa?" Arthur suddenly asked a excited expression on his face and I chuckled at him "yes dad you are" Fred said, "you didn't say anything" Arthur accused Molly and she shrugged "we asked her not to say anything, she's been coming over about twice a week to check on the baby, or should I say babies" I explained. 

After about a minute of a pause everyone shoot up to congratulate Fred and I.  

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