Part 26

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I woke up the next morning wondering why there wasn't any screaming until I heard one of the twins start to make some sound, I decided I'd let Fred sleep for now, I went out of the bed and went over to the cribs to see Molly stirring and Lukas making some small sounds, I picked Lukas up and rocked him a little before taking him to the bed. I got my breast out and Lukas was quick to grab on to the nipple sucking the milk out for his breakfast, I smiled at my little baby boy, until he was finished. 

As soon as he finished eating Molly started to make some noises, I smiled at her before going to put Lukas back into his crib and picking Molly up, I did the same for her, letting her drink as much as she wanted. Just when Molly was finishing Fred woke up "Good morning" he said in his sexy, husky, morning voice and I smiled at him "good morning" I said smiling at him "here, take her so I can go get Lukas?" I asked and Fred sat up in the bed taking the girl from my arms as I went and got our boy up and to the bed. 

After picking Lukas up I went back to the bed and sat down beside Fred, "they're adorable" I said, both of them had a little bit of red hair on the top of their heads while Lukas had Fred's hazel eyes and Molly had my Y/E/C eyes. "They really are love" Fred said until there was a soft knock on the door "come in" Fred called quietly to whoever was out there "hey guys" George said a bit awkwardly which was weird for him. 

"What's wrong?" Fred asked "well, everyone is downstairs and wants to see them" George said and I smiled a little "I'm staying in bed today but they can come up two and two at a time" I told George not letting Fred argue with it, I didn't want them to become overwhelmed. "Great" George said as he slowly closed the door into our room, first up were Molly and Arthur, they both smiled at us as they walked in. 

"Where are my grandchildren?" Arthur asked excitedly and I smiled at him, "here they are, we also picked names" Fred told them and they smiled at the two of us, "can we know them?" Molly asked and I nodded, "here is little Lukas Arthur Weasley, and Fred has Molly Y/M/N Weasley" I told them and they both got tears in their eyes having both of them named after them. "Can I ask where Lukas comes from?" Arthur asked us as Molly was almost making grabby hands at her grandma and I smiled looking over to Fred who handed his mother the baby. 

"Lukas was the name of my late twin brother" I told them and they both smiled sadly at us, "we're sorry dear, we had no idea" Molly said and I nodded, "only the twins know about him so I'm not surprised" I told the two of them as Lukas wanted some grandma attention as well. 

After Molly and Arthur had been in here for some time they left telling us they would send the next once in here, only a couple of minutes later Hermione and Ginny were walking into the room and they smiled at the two babies in mine and Fred arms. "They are so adorable, what are their names?" Ginny said cooing over Molly, Fred was the one to say the names this time and the girls cooed even more at the two babies in front of them. 

The rest of the Weasley's came in and held or just looked at the twins that Fred and I would exchange on holding and Fred would occasionally go change a diaper or two while I would feed them every once in a while as well. After everyone had come in and left George came to see the twins for the first time, he stayed with us for the rest of the evening, George brought us some food through the day and we all laughed and talked while the twins slept. 

While I was breast feeding the twins George would go make food for us adults and then come back once both babies were fed and my breasts were back in hiding under my pajama shirt, "I'm starving, how about we order a pizza? it is about dinner time after all" Fred said and I smiled at the thought of having pizza. "Pizza sure sounds good right about now" I said as I got water in my mouth at the thought, "where's your phone? I'll order the pizza" George said and smiled at Fred and I. 

"On the desk, I haven't used it at all day" I told him and he smiled and opened my phone before calling to order the pizza, thankfully after only 15 minutes the pizza arrived and George was going downstairs to pay for them and bring them up to us. "Sodas?" I asked him and he chuckled, "I didn't have the hands for it" George said and I faked a shocked expression "no, how come you didn't, I thought you had ten hands" I said sarcastically and we all laughed before George went down stairs and got us all some soda. 

When George came back up we ate and talked quietly between our self's since the younger twins had just fallen asleep and we didn't want to wake them up or anything like that. After we finished eating we all talked until it was 10pm, then the twins woke up and wanted some food, Fred looked at George and he nodded understanding. 

George took our plates and left the room while Fred and I went out of the bed and got the twins in with us to be fed, both of them fell back asleep almost as soon as they had finished eating their food so Fred took Lukas from me putting him in his crib and then he came back and took Molly to her own crib. I smiled at him as he came back into the bed and I cuddled up to him while using his chest as a pillow.   

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