Part 4

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When I parked the car outside the huge house I sighed before going out and opening the door I stuck a huge rock I found in front of it to make it stay open before I went and grabbed some of the bags. When I got back out I found the twins standing there with smirks on their faces, "what is it that you got so much of?" Fred asked and I smiled tiredly at them, "I need to eat don't I?" I asked them and they both nodded.

"Would you two mind helping me bring some of the food inside?" I asked and they both shook their heads, "of course we don't mind" they said and we all took some more bags and put them on the kitchen counter. "What's this?" George asked and I looked at the hamburger meat, "please don't tell me you have never had or seen hamburgers?" I asked them, they both looked at each other in confusion.

"Oh my" I sighed before shaking my head slightly with a smile on my face, "tell your family to come to dinner tonight? I bought enough of hamburgers for everyone to have two if anyone wanted" I told them and they smiled. "Okay, I'm interested in trying" Fred said and they left after saying their goodbyes, I finished taking out of the bags and putting everything where it was supposed to be.

After taking out of the bags I decided to unpack the rest of the boxes and get everything from them set up where they were supposed to be. I finished taking some cups out and I decorated the house a little before I realized I had to go get dressed if I wanted to have gotten everything ready for when they would arrive.

(This is what you wore, feel free to change it!)

once I was dressed with my hair up in a cute messy ponytail I went down stairs to start preparing the burgers, I started by cleaning and cutting up some vegies and then I went to fetch the spices that I was planning on using

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once I was dressed with my hair up in a cute messy ponytail I went down stairs to start preparing the burgers, I started by cleaning and cutting up some vegies and then I went to fetch the spices that I was planning on using. Just when I was about to turn the grill on I heard the door bell ring and I smiled knowing it were the Weasleys, I jogged over and opened the door stepping aside for them all to walk inside.

"Hello dear" Molly said as she hugged me a grateful smile plastered onto her face and I smiled back at her "hey" I said as all of us made our way into the backyard. "Fred, George, help me bring the meat out here will you?" I asked the twins as soon as everyone were looking around the backyard, they both smiled happily and helped me bring it all out. 

"Could you fetch the vegies while I start grilling?" I asked them and they both nodded, "sure thing love" Fred said before they went to drag Ron, Harry and Hermione with them and while I blushed furiously. Sure, of course, Fred was as handsome as they get, he was muscular after obviously playing some sort of sport, he had those brown eyes that looked as if they were golden in the sun and the red hair that fell just below his ears. 

I cursed myself, I had known Fred for what, three days and I already had a small crush on him, okay not just a small crush, a huge crush, I was doomed, absolutely doomed, "Y/N, is everything alright dear?" Molly came behind me and asked. I was startled, yet I nodded not trusting my voice completely, "yep, I'm perfect, absolutely perfect" I said a bit panicked, Molly obviously didn't believe me but she let it go thankfully. 

The twins, Ron, Harry and Hermione came out with the vegies, "where do you want them Y/N?" Harry asked and I smiled at him, "can you put them on the table, I think that's the easiest for everyone to get all the food" I asked them and they all nodded. After we had all been laughing and joking and I had taught Fred how to use the grill the food was ready and we were all about to eat. 

We all smiled and laughed making some jokes along the way while we all ate, even though we all stood we all still had a lot of fun, I noticed Harry and Ginny go into a corner away from everyone and I smirked deciding to leave them alone until one of Ginny's brothers would notice. "Hey, can we talk?" George asked me and I lifted a eyebrow at him but nodded bringing my soda with me as we went inside unnoticed by anyone.

"So, what's up?" I asked him once the door was closed behind us and George smirked a little, "so freddie?" he asked and once again I lifted a eyebrow at him a bit confused what he was saying. George sighed and shook his head before leaving me inside alone and confused.

I walked outside after a good minute and Fred came up to me when I was out, "is everything alright?" he asked and I nodded, "yeah, I'm fine, just confused at your twin" I told him and he lifted a eyebrow and damn was that hot. I shook my head and shrugged, "I don't know what he was talking about to me" I told Fred and he smiled a little at me, a genuine smile which was rare for the twins. 

"Don't worry about it Fred, I'm sure he was just joking in me like he always does" I told Fred and chuckled a little, "yeah you're right" Fred said and we walked over to everyone else, Harry and Ginny had returned and I noticed Ginny's lips were a bit swollen and I smirked at her when I caught her eye. Ginny blushed a bright red but smiled and nodded to thank me for not pointing it out, I nodded at her back before sneakily making my way over, "good job making none of your brothers notice" I whispered to her and she smiled still blushing at me.

We both chuckled and I ruffled her hair a little, all of them had already started to feel like family even though it had been such a short time, Ginny chuckled at me, "what about Fred and you though?" she asked and I felt the blush rise on my cheeks. "What are you two talking about?" Hermione asked as she approached us "boys" Ginny said, "more specifically Harry and Fred" Ginny said and Hermione chuckled. 

The three of us stood out there in a corner just talking about the boys for the rest of the evening until Molly wanted all of them home and in bed, I said bye to everyone and even though the twins were 20 or just a year older than I am they still left as their mom said they were supposed to do.    

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