Part 12

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"The firebolt isn't the newest but not the oldest yet it's a really good broom, Fred will be happy with this one" George said and I smiled at him and nodded, after I payed for the broom and the broom had been put into wrapping paper we apparaited back to the burrow. "I'm going to put this one inside, I'll see you over in a minute or two" I told George and he nodded "okay just walk in without knocking it's fine" George said and I nodded running with the broom back to my place. 

Once the broom was inside the entry way I left again and made my way over to the Weasleys, I opened the door and Molly noticed me motioning me into the house, "everyone ate except for George he waited for you" Molly said smiling a little at me and I nodded "thank you Molly" I told her and she smiled and nodded making her way into the living room. I made my way into the kitchen/dining room and sat down beside Fred who seemed mad at George, they had both stopped talking when I entered. 

Fred seemed to be challenging George to say something but George just shook his head, Fred shook his head with a frown before leaving, although when he was in the archway he turned back around "don't bother with tomorrow" Fred said looking at me. I looked at George with tears threatening to spill, I had just gotten a chance with him and it was over before it began, I looked at George and he put a hand on mine but I quickly took mine back. 

"I'm not that hungry anymore" I told George and walked away leaving my plate empty, I said bye to Molly and left the burrow, when I got home I looked at the broom and I felt the tears fall out of my eyes. I slid down the front door and buried my head in my knees as I let the tears fall, I had gone to get him a surprise and then he's mad at me when I come back, I didn't understand why that was, I didn't understand why he seemed to have been mad at George as well. 

I looked at the broom that was wrapped in the packaging and I sighed, I looked at my phone clock to see that it was almost 2am, I decided that I would still give Fred the broom. I stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick note with Fred's name on it so they knew who the broom was for. 

I grabbed the broom and left the house, when I got closer to the burrow I noticed George sitting in front of the house "hey" I said when I was close enough to him to be able to whisper "hey" George said as I sat down beside him. "Fred is mad because he realized we went out together, he thinks I was trying to steal you away from him, I didn't say anything about the broom I know you wanted it to be a surprise" George said and I sighed. 

"Is Fred in there?" I asked George and he nodded, "I think he's still awake as well" George said and I nodded as I stood up and opened the door and walked up the stairs, George came after me and pointed at his and Fred's bedroom door, I nodded to show him I understood him, I slowly walked to the door. When I stood right in front of the door I knocked slowly, "George go away" I heard Fred call out and I opened the door up a little "I'm not George" I said the broom behind my back. 

Fred quickly turned around and looked at me before looking back out the window "I understand you'd rather have George" Fred said and I scoffed at that claim "that's not true" I told him and he turned back in my direction. "When George and I left he was helping me changing some pounds into your currency, I was buying you something in hope to cheer you up, you seemed so sad because of your broom" I told Fred just after I closed the door into his bedroom. 

Fred looked in my direction and he got a sad smile on his face, "so I read it all wrongly?" he asked and I chuckled a little "yeah you did, now do you want to see what I got you?" I asked and he nodded with a smile on his face. I took the wrapped broom from behind my back and handed it to him, he raised an eyebrow obviously knowing the shape, "you didn't get me a new broom, they're way too expensive" Fred said and I motioned for him to open the package up. 

Fred slowly took the paper away until he saw the back end of the broom he pretty much tore the paper away, "this, this, this is" Fred couldn't say anything else and I smiled, "do you like it?" I asked shyly. "Is that even a question, of course I like it, I love it thank you" Fred said as he stood up and picked me up before spinning me around in circles and I chuckled at his excitement. 

When Fred put me down I smiled at him, "do I still have that chance?" I asked and he nodded, "how about I pick you up at 9am and we can go get breakfast?" Fred asked and I nodded "that would be lovely" I told him and he smiled. "I should probably get back to mines" I told him still stuck in his arms and he smiled at me "yeah I guess you should" Fred said without letting me go out of his arms. 

I managed to sneak out of his arms and I left the room waving and smiling at him, George was waiting outside, "finally, do you think I can sleep in there tonight?" George asked and I nodded as he went inside the room while I left the burrow. 

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