Part 21

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Christmas night went by way to quickly, I had ended up falling asleep on the Weasley's couch, although now that I woke up I woke up in Fred's arms and I realized he must have carried me home, I smiled at the thought of him doing that. "'Morning love" Fred said as he kissed the top of my head, "it's boxing day" I told Fred and he smiled and nodded, "that it is love" Fred said and I almost shoot out of the bed. 

I put some cozy pajamas on and hurried to brush my teeth while Fred chuckled and got ready as well, putting a T-shirt and some red and gold striped pajama pants on before he came and joined me in the bathroom. "You're excited" Fred said and I chuckled, "I know I am" I told Fred as we heard a knock on our door "you two lovebirds up" George called into the room and we both chuckled "just about to be, just go down" Fred called out to him. 

As soon as I finished, I pretty much ran downstairs to the smell of Cinnamon French toast, bacon and some eggs, "you, George Weasley are a savior" I told George as I sat down and a plate came flying my way "glad to help" George said and I chuckled before taking a delicious bite out of a slice of crispy bacon. Fred soon came down stairs and sat down beside me, a plate in front of his seat as George sat down, when I finished eating I shoot up and smiled at them innocently, "we're almost done" Fred said smiling at me with love and I nodded jogging into the living room. 

"She's so adorable you know" I heard Fred say and I smiled to myself as I noticed all the presents underneath the tree and I smiled at everything under there. After 10 minutes both boys came into the living room and I smiled the excitement showing on my face as I grabbed a present from under the tree. 

"To Fred from George" I read the note handing Fred his present, Fred got some broom polish from George and I smiled knowing the Fred loved this, the twins hugged it out and I smiled at them as I made for the next present. "To Y/N from Fred" I read out and looked at Fred with huge eyes and a smile on my face, the best gifts came in small packages, that's what I always said as I opened the package slowly. 

When I opened the package, there was a small jewelry box in there, I looked at Fred with big and surprised eyes before Fred nodded at me encouraging me to open the box, when I opened the jewelry box there was a small ring with a knot on it in there, I looked at Fred with even bigger eyes as I felt tears start to prick at the corners of my eyes. "Fred, it's beautiful" I told him and he smiled before giving me a small kiss "it's what the woman in the store called a promise ring, to promise you'll receive a engagement ring sometime in the future, and to promise I'll love you and these two babies until my last breath" Fred said, now I was full on crying. 

"I love you" I sobbed out before going to bury my face in the crook of Fred's neck as more happy tears fell from my eyes, Fred stroked my back in a calming manner while whispering sweet things to me. When I finally stopped crying I went to get the next present from under the tree "to Y/N and Fred from Molly and Arthur" I read out and I smiled at Fred before we opened the present up. 

There in front of us were two small baby sweaters with no letter on them, one being red and the other being gold, I smiled at the sweaters before I got the next package "to George from Fred and Y/N" I read out before handing George the package and smiled at his surprised face. George opened up the broom and shook his head "how" he asked in surprise and disbelief while Fred and I smirked, "you do know I actually work" I told George and he raised an eyebrow while I chuckled. 

"I make homemade cookies and sell for some money, I also make some knitted dolls for kids at the kids hospital, they pay me some money for that as well" I told George and he looked even more surprised, "why have I never seen you bake or knit in my life?" George asked. "Because I usually don't knit until I'm in bed and I make a lot of cookies through the weekend and sell through the week" I told George and his face dropped off of him. 

"You're girlfriend is amazing Freddie, be careful I might steal her" George joked and Fred pushed George off of the couch before we all laughed even harder than we had been before, until we went back to opening the presents, the twins and I all got the classical Weasley sweaters that everyone in the Weasley family got, mine being Y/F/C, Fred's and George's both being blue with yellow as their letter. Fred got 'qudditch through the ages' and some things he could use in pranking objects from me, I got some chocolate from Ginny and Hermione while the boys looked at me suspiciously. 

Both boys got some sweets and pranking items from their siblings, Harry and Hermione, after we had all opened all the presents we watched some movies until we had to go over to the Weasley's for dinner. All of us still wearing our pajamas along with all the Weasleys, Hermione and Ginny were quick to come over to talk to me about the baby, they both offered to babysit when it came to that and I smiled at them but nodded "you know, I appreciate that, I wouldn't trust George with not teaching them some bad pranks, not Fred either" I told the girls and they both laughed. 

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