Part 15

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When I woke up I felt the strong arms of Fred around me and I smiled into his chest, I must have started using him as a pillow after I fell asleep, I hoped he didn't mind, "good morning beautiful" I heard Fred's sexy morning voice and I smiled even brighter. "Good morning handsome" I said back and Fred kissed the top of my head, "I know this is soon but I never want to wake up without you by my side" Fred whispered as I cuddled further into him looking for that warmth he always gave from him. 

I smiled even brighter and looked up at Fred's face, he looked at me like I was the only woman in the world, he looked at me like I was everything he ever needed, "I never want to wake up not in your arms either" I whispered before I kissed him passionately on the lips. Fred of course kissed me right back with just as much passion, when we pulled apart we both smiled at the other and I cuddled back into his chest just enjoying the quiet company. 

"Hey" I said and looked back up at Fred to find him looking at me curiously, "I know this is soon, but well it does get lonely being in this huge house by myself" I told Fred and he smirked "are you asking me if I want to move in?" Fred asked and I felt the blush come onto my cheeks before I shyly nodded my head. "Is it okay if George moves in too? you know just how close he and I are" Fred said and I chuckled but nodded, "as long as he's okay with his own room" I told Fred and he chuckled at me before nodding. 

"Alright then, I'm moving in" Fred stated with a smirk on his face until some sort of realization hit him, "I'm supposed to be at the store" he then suddenly screamed and shoot out of the bed, I watched him pull his pants on and his shirt, I had been okay with him sleeping in his underwear. "Mind if I join you?" I asked as I got out of bed and started pulling on a red hoodie and some black jeans along with some black vans "I'd love to have you join, are you ready?" Fred said and I ran to the bathroom getting my hairbrush. 

"Ready" I said as I took Fred's arm expecting us to go there the same way we had the first time I went to the twins store, when we landed outside the store Fred hurried in "you know where the back is" Fred called to me as I noticed him take his wand out and change his shirt so it was a staff shirt and he went behind the counter of the busy store. I bumped into George and he smiled, "let me guess you two had some fun last night?" George said and I blushed before hitting him lightly on his arm. 

"No we didn't, I just didn't want to sleep alone so Fred stayed over with me, then he forgot he was supposed to be here, let me brush my hair and I'll start stocking some products for you?" I asked George and he smiled thankfully at my request. "Yes please, it's usually not this crowded when students are back at school" George said and I smiled before going to the back and quickly brushing through my hair and I put it into a ponytail (if possible). 

I went to the storage and found some boxes with items in them and I brought them out, "you'll want to have this on" Fred said as he pointed his wand at me and my hoodie changed into a staff T-shirt and I smiled at him "thank you" I said and quickly pecked his lips before going to stack things. At around 6pm the twins finished the last of the costumers and we all slumped down on chairs they had in the store, all three of us exhausted from the long day, "how about ordering a pizza?" I asked them and they looked at each other. 

"Oh come on, please tell me the wizarding world has pizzas" I told them and they shook their heads and I gaped, "fine, we're going to ours and I'm ordering a pizza" I told them and stood up waiting for the twins to do the same. "Ours?" George asked and Fred chuckled, "well Y/N and I want to move in together, and well we want you to move in with us" Fred explained scratching the back of his neck. 

George dropped his jaw almost to the floor when he heard that and I chuckled at him, "I would close my mouth before flies fly in" I told George and he closed his mouth, "into that humongus muggle house of yours?" George then asked and Fred nodded while putting his arm around my shoulder in a loving way. I smiled and nodded as well "oh hell yes" George said excitedly as he grabbed Fred and I around the arms and he appirated us away and right inside our kitchen, I chuckled at his excitement before getting my phone out of my pocket. 

I called the closest pizza place that delivered and I ordered the pizzas before looking at Fred and George who were trying to figure out the TV remote, I chuckled at them before putting my hand out for George to hand it over and he did while the three of us laughed. I put a movie on and we all started watching until the doorbell rang, I put the movie on pause and went to get the pizzas, "thank you" I said as I took the pizzas and carried them into the living room. 

I put the pizzas onto the table and as soon as I was out of sight of the twins I heard them open the boxes up and checking the pizzas out, I chuckled taking some sodas out to them and handing them each their own 0.5L bottles before sitting back down beside Fred as we all ate while finishing the movie.  

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