Part 18

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When I woke up the next morning I felt just how soar I was after the evening before, I felt Fred's strong arms holding me tightly to him and I smiled remembering every single detail of the night before. Fred stirred underneath me and I looked at his face, both of us still naked, "you were amazing last night" Fred said as he opened his eyes to see me still in his arms "you were too, although wish me luck getting down stairs" I said and we both chuckled a little. 

"That soar?" Fred asked me and I chuckled before nodding "I'm sorry I didn't mean to go that hard on you" Fred said before kissing my head and I smiled, "it's fine, I knew I would be soar" I told Fred and he smiled at me. At that time I frowned "what's wrong?" Fred asked and I sighed "I need to use the bathroom but I don't know if my legs will let me stand" I said and Fred smiled before getting out of the bed and then lifting me up and carrying my naked body to the bathroom. 

Fred put me on the toilet after opening the seat, then he got my toothbrush ready and got me my water cup that I liked keeping in the bathroom so I could spit after brushing my teeth "thank you" I said as Fred picked me up again and carried me to the sink so I could wash my hands. After washing my hands Fred helped me into the bedroom, "how about one of my shirts?" Fred asked smirking and I chuckled at him but nodded "sure, as long as I'm allowed to have some sort of underwear on as well and some shorts" I told Fred and he chuckled. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way, we wouldn't want George seeing you naked now would we?" Fred said and I chuckled but shook my head "of course we wouldn't want that" I told him and he came over with a red hoodie that said Weasley and then the number 5 on the back, "my quidditch jumper" Fred said and I smiled at him before quickly kissing him and getting dressed. 

When both of us were dressed Fred helped me stand up, I wouldn't allow him to hold me in front of George, when we finally got down stairs we smelled the smell of French toast for the second day in a row. "I told you two not to be loud!" George said angrily when we entered the kitchen and I went red with embarrassment as I hid my face with my hand that wasn't in Fred's, Fred laughed a little and then helped me sit down while he went to help George finish our breakfast. 

"We need to go to the store today" Fred said as he realized the day, "I still don't understand why you two have it closed on the weekdays, isn't it expensive to rent the properity?" I asked and they looked at each other "we own the properity" Fred said a bit awkwardly and I almost chocked on my orange juice. "You two own the land the shop is on?" I asked surprised and they both nodded, "if we keep it open and no one comes for one hour then we would only be loosing money on the heating and all that" George explained as he brought the toast and bacon over to the table while Fred got the syrup. 

After we ate the twins had to go, Fred helped me onto the couch and then he and George appirated away to their store and I was left alone with the tv playing, I scrolled through Instagram as animal planet played it's shows in the background. When it was close to becoming 2pm I heard the doorbell go off, "it's open" I called out to whoever was on the other side and Molly came in "that wasn't very clever of you now was it? what if I had been a serial killer?" Molly asked me and I chuckled. 

"Who would be out here at this time of day?" I asked her and she chuckled as well while nodding "that is true dear, Fred told me you were feeling a bit under the weather today so I decided to bring you some sandwiches for lunch" Molly said putting the plate down in front of me. "Molly, you're a life saver thank you" I said as I saw she had brought some of her famous chocolate chip cookies as well, "well Fred asked me to bring you some food so I figured you must be feeling really under the weather" Molly said and I smiled. 

When Molly came back into the living room after getting me a bottled water she put the back of her hand onto my forehead and she sighed, "no fewer, what is it that's bothering you dear?" Molly asked and I froze almost having put the first bite of the first sandwich into my mouth. "Dear? did you and Fred have some fun last night?" Molly asked and I went scarlet, "that obvious?" I asked her and she chuckled and nodded "remember, I was young once with Arthur, I know how it goes" Molly said and I smiled since she wasn't judging me. 

"It was my first time too, I have heard that it's the worst afterwards" I told Molly looking her in the eyes and she smiled at me and nodded "it usually is yes" was all she said before she looked at the tv in front of me. "You know, Arthur has been wanting one of these things lately, what does it even do? I mean, what's the point of it?" Molly asked me and I noticed she was doing this to make Arthur happy. 

"You can watch movies in there and shows, a movie is a lot of pictures that are put together so they roll quickly and then they get talked in on as the mouths move and it's usually between a hour and two long while a show is the same it's just a lot shorter, usually being around the 40 minute mark" I told Molly. She looked at the tv in wonder, "I'm guessing the twins won't be home for some time and neither will Arthur be, can you show me one of those movie things?" Molly asked and I smiled before nodding. 

I picked the remote up and put Netflix on, I picked the swan princess (Don't judge my movie choice) Molly looked at the tv the whole time the movie was playing, she seemed to be enjoying the movie. Just as the movie was finishing both twins appeared in the living room, "mum, what are you doing here?" George asked and she smiled "Fred told me Y/N was feeling under the weather so I brought her some food and then we watched a movie" Molly said and both twins looked horror struck. 

"Did my mom just spend good time with my girlfriend while I was away at work?" Fred asked George and he nodded "it seems like it Freddie" George said and I chuckled at them, "come here" I told Fred and he came and gave me a kiss onto the head. "I should get going, I need to make dinner before Arthur gets home, would you three want to come over?" Molly asked and the twins looked at each other, "sure mom" George said. 

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