Part 10

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"These, these are different snack boxes, they contain sweets to get you and your friends out of classes and if you want to prank someone, like this box it contains sweets that make you grow huge pimples that shoot some green liquid out of them. They also contain some sweets that make you're nose runny and of course one to stop the bleeding, then there's one that will change your hair color to just some random color most people wouldn't want like buggar green, poop brown and some more disgusting colors" George explained while Fred was stocking someplace else. 

I laughed a little at the box he was handing me and helped him stock the boxes, the once with the same name as the once in the back went in front of them, I did the once where I could reach then George would use his wand and levitated things into the higher shelfs. Every once in a while Fred would come over and ask me how I liked it and made sure George wasn't making me do too many things, I liked that Fred cared this much, it showed me he really did like me. 

once the store opened up it was almost instantly full to where you could barely move around on the first floor, Fred and George ended up helping the people that came in and I would laugh at them when they did something funny. "Y/N" I heard someone call me from behind so I turned around to see Charly there, "hey" I said and smiled at him when he was in talking distance, "hey, did Fred already do it?" he asked and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Did he already do what?" I asked and Charly sighed, "he'll never do anything about it" he mumbled and I chuckled at him "if you were asking if he had already asked me out he did this morning, I said yes" I told him and he smiled. "Good, you know he talks a lot about you, how about we go for a walk? I can give you some Ice cream?" Charly asked and I nodded, "sure ice cream sounds really good right now" I told him and he smiled. 

We walked out of the Weasleys Whizard Whees and made our way down the street that still seemed to be mourning someone, "Charly, can I ask what happened here?" I asked him and he sighed. "Did the twins tell you about the war that happened earlier this year?" Charly asked and I shook my head, "there was a war?" I asked and he nodded, "a lot of people were killed amongst those people was one of the best wandmaker in all of wizarding history. His name was Garrick Olivander, his store still stands there, apparently his daughter took over the store and still makes wands to honor her dad but a lot of people still morn him. He wasn't just a wand maker, for a lot of wizards and witches he made their very first wands, he was also a great wizard, his wands were said to be the best in the world" Charlie explained to me. 

I put my head down as we walked past a store with a huge sign that said Oliwanders, soon after we were at a ice cream shop with a sign that read Florean Fortescue's ice cream parol and we went inside. The store didn't look as magical as the rest of the stores on the street, it looked more muggle like, the twins had said a muggle was someone none magical, I looked around at the flavors. 

I was drawn to a colorful ice cream that had berty botts every flavor bean sign above it, "don't even think about it, it could be buggar flavor or anything bad" Charlie said and I instantly averted my eyes someplace else. I saw one with a chocolate frogs written on a sign above it, "that's just normal chocolate" Charlie whispered to me and I smiled knowing I was gonna have the chocolate frog ice cream. 

When it was our turn Charlie smiled at the witch that was behind the counter "what can I get you two?" she asked smiling at us "I'm going to have two scoops chocolate frogs and so is she" Charlie said. "Okay, that will be two galleons and three knuts" the witch said and Charlie went to rummage in his pockets, "ah here it is, there you go" he said handing her the money and she went to get our ice cream.

When we got outside we sat down at a table that was there and we did a bit of talking while eating our ice cream, people that walked past looked at us weirdly, "why does everyone stare?" I whispered to him and he chuckled. "I'm not often seen with anyone but my family" Charlie said and I frowned, "why not?" I asked and he sighed, "no specific reason" Charlie said and I realized I went on a weak spot. 

"Charlie, are you okay?" I asked putting a hand onto his in a supporting manner, Charlie shook his head and pulled me with him to a place where no one was and he sighed, thankfully we had both finished our ice creams before he pulled me away. "Well, I know the muggle world isn't as judgmental as the wizarding world" he said and took a deep breath, "I'm Asexual, do you know what that is?" Charlie said and I smiled at him before hugging him tightly to me feeling a tear fall out of my eyes. 

Charlie hugged me back and I smiled up at him, "I'm proud of you for telling me, thank you, do the others know?" I asked and he shook his head and I smiled a little at him "I won't say anything until you're ready I promise" I told him. Charlie smiled at me and noticed there were still a couple of tears falling out of my eyes, "why are you crying?" he asked and I chuckled a little at him. 

"The evening before I lost my twin brother he told me he himself was Asexual, it just reminded me of when he was telling me" I told him and he smiled and hugged me again. After we had stood there hugging for long enough we pulled back and Charlie looked at his watch, "the twins will notice you're gone and if I know Fred correctly he will worry until he finds you" Charlie said chuckling a little before walking me to the twins shop. 

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