part 7

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I opened the door and Stefan was still sitting on the couch although there were roses sitting in a vase on the coffee table and a small card next to them, I looked behind me at the twins and they were not impressed. "Ummm Stefan, what's that?" I asked him and he smiled at me until he saw the other two guys in the room, "Oh they're staying here as well for some time" I told him and he seemed to frown and I sighed.

"Well these came for you" he said, "and where are those two sleeping, you only have two beds" Stefan said and I smiled, "I guess one of you will have to share with me and the other one with Stefan" I told the twins standing now in front of me. "Why don't we share, you know me better than those two" Stefan said, "that's no need, I'll share with her" Fred said standing a bit protectively in front of me.

"Fine with me" I said and the three looked at me surprised, "what?" I asked them "we just weren't expecting that" Fred said and I smiled, "come on, I'll show you where you can put your bags" I told them. Fred and George seemed to give Stefan a cold look before following me up the stairs, "Fred, you can put yours in here and George the door at the end is where you can put yours" I told them.

They both smiled before George whispered something to Fred which made Fred push him lightly and George go and put his bag into his and Stefan's room, "I'm going to bed" I called down to Stefan "good night" Stefan called back up. I went into the bedroom Fred following after me, "if you want to share with George instead that's fine" Fred said but I shook my head, "I'm fine with us sharing as long as you are" I told him and he smiled a real smile.

"I'm going to put my pajamas on in the bathroom" I told him and he nodded "okay" he said and I grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom to change, when I got back out Fred had his whole chest in his backpack. I cleared my throat and he almost shoot out of the bag and looked at me, a small, adorable blush coming onto his cheeks, "what are you looking for that's so far down?" I asked him and we chuckled.

"These" Fred said holding his pajama pants, "you don't mind me sleeping shirtless do you?" Fred asked and I shook my head "nope" I said popping the 'p' and smiling at him, Fred grinned back before going into the bathroom. I went under the cover and smiled to myself knowing the guy I had fallen for was about to be in my bed with me in it already, I shook the thought out of my mind when I heard the bathroom door open up.

Fred walked out and smiled, my mouth almost dropped, he was even hotter like this, "you're staring" Fred said a chuckle coming from him, I felt myself become warm in the face and I buried my head in my pillow. "Just get into the bed and let's go to sleep" I told him my voice muffled by the pillow, Fred chuckled but didn't say anything as I felt him go into the bed beside me.

I quickly heard Fred give small adorable snores and I smiled while going onto my right side so I could admire the sleeping Fred in front of me. His hair fell a little into his eyes and he seemed to be smiling a little bit while he looked so peaceful, I felt myself blush a little at the thoughts going through my mind as I watched him.

After me creepily watching Fred sleep for about three minutes Fred wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to himself, I stiffened and held my breath until Fred continued to snore adorably. I rested my head on his shoulder using him almost like a pillow before cuddling further into him and smiling to myself once again.

That night I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face, being cuddled up in Fred's arms, his warmth and calming cent made me fall almost instantly asleep, I felt myself sleep a lot better in Fred's arms than any other time before. 

The next morning I woke up before Fred and decided I would go take a shower, I grabbed a clean red T-shirt with a lion on it and some light skinny jeans before going into the bathroom, I got into the shower and finished quickly. I did all of my other things before going out to see Fred awake, "morning" I told him, "good morning" Fred said and I smiled at him, "the bathroom is available if you want to go in there" I told him and he nodded, "thanks" he said before going into the bathroom.

I drew the curtains open and looked out fully dressed and I smiled at the sun that was high in the sky, "what are you looking at?" Fred's voice took me out of my thoughts about him, "the sun" I told him simply while not taking my eyes away from the sky. "I like your shirt, it's in mine and George's house color" Fred said and I looked at him raising an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Oh the wizarding school George and I went to has like dorm houses and there's a competition between all of the houses, red and gold is the house colors of our house" Fred said smirking his classical smirk and I smiled nodding understanding him. "That sounds kind of like a regular collage, with dorms and stuff" I told Fred and he chuckled, "how long is Stefan staying either way?" Fred asked.

"Ohh, his birthday is tomorrow so I'm expecting him to leave after that but I don't know though, I hope he leaves then, I've started to feel a bit scared around him" I told Fred and he smiled putting his arm around my shoulder and squeezing lightly. "If he won't leave by himself George and I will personally throw him out" Fred told me and I smiled at him, "I like your shirt too" I told him taking in the black T-shirt that showed a bit of his muscles.

Fred smirked and ruffled my hair a bit before going down stairs to do whatever.

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