Part 27

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"Come on kids" I called up the stairs to the now seven year old twins of Fred and mine, our five year old already down here with us, George Weasley II, that was our five year old name, "mommy, why are you dressed so fancy?" George asked me and I went down to his level "mommy and daddy are going out to a fancy dinner tonight. That's also why you lot are staying with aunt Ginny and uncle Harry" I told him and he smiled happily, he loved Ginny and Harry, they had gotten married two years ago and were now expecting their first child. 

"Were here mom" Lukas said smiling at me as he and Molly came running down the stairs, those two were just like their dad, all about pranking, I smiled at them, "come on, your dad is waiting out in the car" I told them. Arthur had given us his second flying car when we had George, he had said it was important to have one with three kids, Fred and I had accepted the car gratefully at the time.  

All three kids were showing the magical ability that kids their age would be showing so we knew they were all going to end up at Hogwarts, although for now they attended a muggle school for their own ages. 

When all three of them were in the car I smiled at Fred, "you look handsome tonight" I told him and pecked his lips while the kids made disgusted sounds from the back, Fred and I just chuckled at them. "You look beautiful as well" Fred said and I smiled at him before we were in the air on our way to Harry and Ginny's place, the kids argued about who would get to hug who first all the way and I sat there trying to keep calm. 

After 20 minutes we were finally in front of their place, the kids ran out like their life depended on it, Harry and Ginny stood in the doorway as the kids went running up to them, "thank you for babysitting tonight, we couldn't ask Molly and Arthur again" I told them as Fred and I brought their bags into the house for the kids. "It's the least we could do" Ginny said as she seemed to wink at Fred, I looked back at him but he just shrugged acting as if he didn't know what was going on, "we should get going if we don't want to be late" Fred told them and they smiled. 

"We'll see you tomorrow" Harry called to us as we left into the car and Fred drove away, "why won't you tell me where we're going?" I asked Fred but he just shook his head "I've told you love, it's a surprise" Fred said as he handed me his Gryffindor tie. "No, I won't ruin the makeup" I told Fred not going to let him blindfold me "it has a spell on so it won't ruin the makeup" Fred said honestly and I hesitated before bringing the tie up to my eyes and tying it behind my head. 

After only 15 minutes I felt the car stop and Fred turned it off "wait a second" Fred said and I nodded, I heard Fred leave the car and the car door shut behind him, "come on now" I heard George "George, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Its part of the surprise" I heard him say, the smirk he had on his face evident through his voice and I internally rolled my eyes.

I let George help me out of the car though, when I was out and stood on what felt like a very unsteady pathway George removed Fred's tie and I looked around until I saw a pathway formed with candles. I gasped and looked at George to make sure I wasn't dreaming, "go on" George encouraged me and I slowly step into the candle light from the made pathway, I looked around in awe as I continued after the pathway. 

Rose petals were scattered around the ground about a meter before I reached a table with two chairs and something that smelled amazing on it, "Fred, what's all this?" I asked him in awe at what he had done for me "happy anniversary love" Fred said and I smiled at everything he had done. "Happy anniversary, I love this" I told him and he smiled taking out the chair for me and I sat down in it before feeling him slowly push it in for me, I smiled as his lips got pressed against my cheek. 

"This is too much Fred" I told him as he sat down in front of me while a smirk appeared on his lips "no, it's perfect, you deserve so much now love" Fred said and I smiled at him, he and George had started keeping the store open a little through the week it self so I was more with the kids alone than I had been before. Fred took his wand out and some fireflies started flying around and I gasped in surprise, then the cover over my food was lifted away from my food and in view came Molly's cooking. 

I smiled at the food "go ahead" Fred said and I smiled at him before digging into my food while Fred did the same, the two of us talked about everything while we ate, both of us laughing at this and that while my smile never left my lips. After we had both finished our food Fred made it disappear and he smiled as he made desert appear in front of me and I licked my lip slightly as I smelled the chocolate underneath the food dome that hid the desert. 

Fred made the domes disappear as the chocolate cake came into view of me, I looked at it water already forming in my mouth, "Fred this is" I was stopped when I looked up to see Fred on one knee in front of me. "Y/N  Y/M/N  Y/L/N, I have loved you for years on end and I don't plan on ever stopping to love you, you're the mother of my children, you're the only person I could ever imagine myself with in the future. You always make me smile when it seems impossible or when I'm exhausted after a long day at the store you always have a warm dinner ready for all five of us, I don't know what I would do without you. Ten years ago I gave you a promise ring, promising you that I would one day give you a engagement ring so here I am, keeping to my promise, Y/N  Y/M/N  Y/L/N will you marry me?" Fred asked as he took out a beautiful golden ring with a red ruby in the middle. 

The ruby wasn't too big or too small, you could definitely see it though, "yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes, I'll marry you Fred Weasley" I screamed over joyed as Fred seemed to sign in relive and he put the ring onto my finger. "I love you Fred" I told him before pressing my lips hard on his lips "I love you too Y/N" Fred said.  

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