Part 23

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"Hey" Stefan said, "are you trying to get yourself killed?" Fred asked anger and madness coming onto his face as Arthur heard the threat, "Molly dear come here" he called out to his wife, Molly came seeing Stefan standing with the pizzas, "where's you're money dear?" Molly asked and I nodded slightly in the direction of my purse. Molly got the message and got the money "how much is it?" Molly asked "50 dollars" Stefan said as Fred stood facing me trying to calm down, George and Arthur both ready to attack if Stefan said one bad or dirty thing about me or Molly. 

Molly quickly found the money before handing it to Stefan and taking the pizzas out of his grip and shutting the door in his face, all of us breathed a breath we all seemed to have been holding in. "Are you alright?" Fred asked and I shook my head being in too much shock to be able to speak or say another word, I never thought I would see him again after he said those things about me back when he staid with me and Fred threw him out. 

Fred helped me walk into the living room and helped me sit down on the couch while George got some plates and sodas for us to drink and eat off of, the three of us always did this on Saturdays since I made the cookies then and the twins had the store open, all of us were always too tired to make a proper meal after our long days. "Here" George said handing his parents each one plate and handing Fred two plates as he got me two slices of pizza on my plate and handing it to me, "here you are love" Fred said and I took the plate. 

I ate in silence while Molly and Arthur asked the boys questions about the store, "I'm tired, I think I'll go to bed early tonight" I said and smiled a tired smile at everyone "good night" I told everyone "Y/N love are you okay?" Fred asked and I nodded, "just tired" I answered him before going up the stairs. As soon as I was done doing my things in the bathroom I put one of Fred's T-shirt on and got under the cover, after staying there and turning for about ten minutes the door opened up into the bedroom. 

"You're not okay" Fred whispered as he came and sat down on the bed, his back resting up against the headboard of the bed, I sat up with him and looked him in the eyes, "of course I'm not okay. I never thought I would have to see him again, he looked at me like I was an object he wanted and not a pregnant woman, I was so scared he would attempt something" I told Fred and he pulled me into his chest as tears fell from my eyes. 

"I will never, ever let anyone touch you or our babies" Fred said and I smiled into his chest as more tears fell from my eyes, I felt Fred's lips on the top of my head and he gave me a small kiss on there. "I love you Fred Weasley" I told him and I felt his lips turn up into a smile and I smiled as a single stray tear fell from my eye "I love you too Y/N  Y/L/N" Fred said and I felt the tears completely stop falling as I smiled into his chest. 

"I'm exhausted, are your parents still here?" I asked and he nodded "yeah, they understand though, George is keeping them company" Fred said and I smiled at that as the two of us laid down, my head resting on Fred's chest as he ran his fingers softly through my hair. All too soon I felt my eyes get to heavy to stay open anymore and I was falling asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning Fred was still laying under my head and I smiled before looking up at him "good morning beautiful" Fred said and I smiled "good morning handsome" I said back to him and he smiled at me. "Wait, what time is it?" I asked and Fred drew his wand out casting a spell showing us the time "what are you still doing here? you're supposed to be at the store" I said sitting up in a bit of panic. 

"George told me to stay here with you until you woke up, I didn't want to leave and risk waking you up after last nights events" Fred said and I smiled at him before pecking his lips, "would you mind if I came with you and was behind the counter?" I asked Fred and he smiled "I wouldn't mind no" he answered. The two of us got out of the bed and went into the bathroom together, I started using the toilet while Fred brushed his teeth, then we switched and I brushed my teeth while Fred used the toilet. 

When we were both ready and dressed Fred apparaited us to the store and we went inside, I smiled at all the people around, "here you go" Fred said after turning my shirt into a staff shirt, I smiled before pecking him on the lips and going to reveal George of the cashier position. I got all the money into the cashier as witches and wizards bought this and that for different pranking ideas or to get out of work or classes. 

A old witch smiled kindly at me before handing over the Skiving box, "just that?" I asked her sweetly and she smiled at me "yes dear" she said and I looked at the price list the twins had made after I had joined them around the shop more often. "That would be three gallions and 10 knuts" I told the witch, she smiled handing over the money "thank you for your purchase and we hope you'll be making another one soon" I told her before she left the store, I noticed Fred smiling in my direction and I smiled back at him. 

Fred came over and kissed me quickly on the lips "you're amazing at this" he said and I smiled, "it's the mother gen that I now have" I told him with a playful smirk and we both chuckled over the loud noise.  

The unexpected wizard (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now