Part 6

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I woke up late, remembering Stefan in the guest bedroom, I stretched and went out of bed and into the bathroom to do my needs, then I went to get dressed, I put a red and gold stiped T-shirt and some light blue skinny jeans on. After getting dressed I went down stairs only to see Stefan bare on the top and in striped pajama pants on while cooking eggs and bacon, "do you want to go get dressed?" I asked him but he shook his head.

"No thanks, come here and set the table will you?" he asked and I rolled my eyes, I knew Stefan had a crush on me, I found out by myself about a year ago and it was obvious that he still felt the same as he did back then. I looked at him when he slightly turned around and I raised an eyebrow at him in question, "please go put something more on, I thought we discussed me not feeling like that" I told him and he sighed but nodded none the less.

Stefan walked up the stairs and I went to continue looking out for the food before I heard a knock on the door and then someone walked in "it's us" I heard the twins call and I laughed a little but called out to them none the less. "In the kitchen" they quickly came into the kitchen and smirked at me and I chuckled, "what now?" I asked them, "we want to show you our store" Fred said and I smiled.

"I would love to come but I'm spending time with Stefan until he leaves, if you two want to tag along I'm sure that it would be alright with him" I told them but George shook his head. "Sorry we have to be at the store, we should actually be there right now" Fred said for George and dragged him out of the house, he looked like he was hurt because of something.

Stefan came down stairs and looked at the stove only to scream at me to turn it off, I quickly turned around to see the eggs burned and almost going into flames. I quickly took the eggs off of the stove and put the pan into the sink turning the stove off to make sure nothing would happen to the house or anything around.

"Sorry" I mumbled, "hey, what's going on?" Stefan asked but I shook my head, "it's nothing for you to worry about, I'll be fine, I just got distracted by my thoughts" I told him but he smiled at me. "Y/N I'm your best friend I'm going to worry weather you like it or not" he told me and I sighed, "it's nothing really" I told him and put a fake smile onto my face before grabbing my car keys, "go out?" I asked him and he nodded before we left the house.

Through the whole day all I could think about was Fred's disappointed face when I told them I was going to be with Stephan through the time he would be here, I thought about how he had hurried out of the house dragging George after him who seemed to give me a sympathetic look. I looked over to Stefan and he smiled at me, we were watching a movie, "I need to do something I'll be back in about an hour or so" I told him before standing up and leaving the front door.

I went over to the Weasleys hoping they were still awake, although when I saw that all the lights were off I instantly got disappointed, until I saw a shadow moving inside, I found a tiny rock on the ground and threw it up at the window. Thankfully my attempt to make the person notice me worked and Percy's head shoot out the window to try seeing who had disturbed him, I looked up at him and he sighed obviously revealed it was only me.

"Are the twins still awake?" I called up to him and I heard him sigh loudly and leave to hopefully get the twins. After about ten minutes the front door opened up and George stood there his face showed tiredness and I instantly felt bad, "did I wake you?" I asked him but he shook his head until he saw the tears falling slowly down from my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked instantly more awake and I sighed, "I don't feel safe with him alone, can you two please come over?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow, slowly walking me into the house. "What do you mean?" George asked and I notice Fred walking down the stairs, he looked just as tired as George had earlier, that was until he as well saw the tears slowly falling down my cheeks.

"I don't feel safe alone with Stefan, I found out last year he had a crush on me but I've never seen him as anything but a brother, he's usually very much of a gentleman although today he's been flirting more than usual and he's also been really touchy if you two know what I mean" I told the two boys. They both seemed to get mad, "we're coming to stay at yours" Fred then suddenly said and I breathed calmly for the first time in a long time, it felt as if I had been holding my breath for weeks when in reality it had only been one day.

They quickly went up the stairs, after about 20 minutes they both came back down, each with a small back pack, "they have extendable charms on them" Fred explained when he saw my confused face. I nodded before we left, "oh don't you two need to let your parents know?" I asked them, "George did while I started packing" Fred said and I nodded my head again before we went back over to my place.

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