Part 25

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Being almost nine months pregnant with twins wasn't a lot of fun, I only had three days until I was exactly nine months into the pregnancy and I hated this, I wanted those babies out of me, their nursery was ready with two light pink walls and two light blue walls. In mine and Fred's room there were two cribs that hadn't been made, both of them were just plain white, in the nursery we had two baskets where there were toys, a whole bunch of them. 

They each got their own closets, where we had their T-shirts and dresses/suit's hanging, we also had two set of drawers where pants and skirts were, along with socks and we had two set of shoe shelfs where we had all their shoes. We had some shelfs where there were some pacifier and some bottles along with bottle tops, we were planning on breast feeding both of them but if both of us ever needed to go somewhere while they were still on my milk they would have some bottles in the fridge. 

I looked around the nursery a hand on my stomach as I saw the scan pictures that moved slightly because of them being magical, I smiled knowing Fred and I were going to be parents. 

I felt something cold run down my legs and I looked down seeing a puddle of clear liquid underneath me, my water, I screamed as a contraction came, I screamed for Molly in hope she would hear me. Fred and George both had to be at the store since it was the first weekend that the Hogwarts students were out for the summer so it would be a lot to do for them, thankfully I heard the front door open up and someone walking into the house. 

"Y/N" I heard Molly call around the house "nursery" I called down to her as another contraction came through my body and I shook slightly from pain as I found the rocking chair that we had in there and I sat down. Just then Molly came into the nursery, "I sent Fred a patronus while running over here, he should be here soon, come on, we need to get you to your bedroom" Molly said helping me stand up. 

"Just breath through the pain" Molly said calmly "where is he?!" I screamed as another contraction came through, Molly was helping me walk around to help make me ready faster, apparently that was what she did so I trusted her with that. 

FRED'S POV:    (Sorry it will be quick) 

I walked around helping kids out at the store, it was so busy there was a line outside the store since not everyone could fit into the large space, "Fred" I heard George shout at me and I turned to look at him, I saw mom's patronus. "Excuse me, I need to go, I'll send my twin brother over here" I told the adult wizard as I hurried through the crowd of witches and wizards trying to get to George sooner rather than later. 

"What is it?" I asked George over the loud noise of people chattering "Y/N's in labor" George shouted over the chatter "I need to go" I shouted back at him and he nodded, I pointed at the wizard I had been helping the minute before and George understood thankfully before I popped away with apparation. 


I screamed as another painful contraction came through, "I'm here" we heard Fred call through the house "perfect timing" Molly said as she made me lay down on the bed "hold her hand, it will hurt a lot" Molly explained and I instantly got scare. "What if I can't do it?" I asked Fred and he shook his head "mom went through this with seven kids, you can do it for just these two" Fred told me and I groaned as a answer "alright dear, push" Molly said and I pushed as hard as I could hoping the head would get out. 

I was sweating and crying from the pain when the girl was finally out of me, "now's the boy" Molly said and I shook my head "I can't anymore" I said weekly "love, look at me" Fred said and I looked at him "you can do this, do it for him, for me, for mom, for Lukas" Fred said. I noticed Molly get confused at the name Lukas but she didn't question it as I started to instantly push again. 

After four hard hours in labor I was done and had my two babies in my arms, "have the two of you decided on a name?" Molly asked and we both shook our heads, "that's fine, I'll leave the two of you alone" Molly said as I smiled at her a thankful smiled before going back to look at my two beautiful babies. "I know about some name suggestions" Fred said and I raised an eyebrow at him in curiosity "Lukas Arthur Weasley and Molly Y/M/N Weasley" Fred said and I looked at him with tears in my eyes before nodding my head as to say yes. 

"I love them" I told Fred and he smiled before kissing the top of my head, "here, let me take them, you need to sleep" Fred said putting his hands out "I don't want to let them go" I whispered to Fred and he smiled at me. "Sleep for five hours and dream about them and then you can get them back in your arms" Fred told me and I smiled at him but nodded handing him Molly as I watched him slowly putting her into her crib, before I handed him Lukas and again I watched him put him into his own crib. 

After both babies were out of my arms I almost instantly fell asleep with Fred beside me, I was absolutely exhausted after that birth, I didn't understand how Molly did it for all seven kids. 

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