Part 22

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Six months into the pregnancy, Fred and I waved bye to George as he went to the store, Fred was going with me over to his parents to find the genders out, after that Fred would go to the store and I would go attempt to bake some cookies for costumers. After we had watched George apparaite away we left for the burrow, when we got there Fred knocked on the door and Molly answered and smiled at us, "come on in" she said and we both went inside. 

"Can we do this on the couch? I have a hard enough time to get up the stairs at home" I begged Molly and she chuckled at me but nodded none the less "of course, I remember how it was when I was pregnant with the twins, I would pretty much live on the couch sadly" Molly said and I smiled a little at her before laying down. After we had talked a little we heard the two heart beats of the babies, Molly smiled and I looked from her to Fred who held my hand calmly waiting for his mother to give us the news. 

"Oh, I though you two wanted to have George and I plan a gender reveal mixed with a bay shower for the two of you" Molly said when she realized we were waiting for her to tell us the genders. I looked to Fred who seemed to think it over for a second, "that's fine with me" he said and I nodded "me too, thank you Molly" I said as I put  my T-shirt back down and sat up with a bit of help from Fred. 

My stomach stood out a little as I sat there on the couch, "I really need to go help George, I'll see you tonight" Fred said kissing my head and stomach before apparaiting away, "then it's my time to bake" I said as I stood up, "oh let me help you for the rest of your pregnancy, I'm sure Fred won't be very happy knowing you're handling sharp knifes while this pregnant" Molly said and I smiled at her a thankful smile "that would be appreciated" I said. The two of us left the burrow and I opened the door into the huge house as we walked in, "where do you want to start?" Molly asked as we entered the kitchen, "can you chop the chocolate while I start on the dough?" I asked her and she nodded "of course dear" she said and I got the chocolate for her. 

"How much is that?" she asked and I chuckled "it's only one kg, We're making the recipy 5 times bigger than a single one" I told Molly and she got a shocked expression on her face "what, it's usually more but a lot of my costumers know I'm pregnant so they stopped requesting as much of cookies" I told Molly and she almost dropped her face but started cutting with her wand. I put everything else into the kitchenaid stand mixer I had and put it on a low speed while mixing everything slowly together, when Molly finished with chocolate she gave it to me and I put it into the mixer letting it go slowly for a couple of seconds. 

After Molly and I had put the cookies onto baking trey and been taking cookies in and out of the oven we were both exhausted, "how about you and Arthur come over here for dinner? I was planning on just ordering a pizza for the guys and myself" I told Molly and she smiled thankfully at me "that would be great" Molly said. I walked Molly to the door, just as I opened it and Molly was about to leave the twins appeared in front of us, "hey love" Fred said kissing me quickly on the lips and I smiled at him before waving to Molly. 

"How was your day at the store?" I asked the twins and they both sighed "hard" George said "yours?" Fred asked me and I smiled at him "it was good, your mom insisted on helping me with the cookies so I'm not as tired as I normally am but I'm still exhausted" I told them as I fell onto the couch beside Fred. Fred kissed the top of my head, "hand me your phone, I'll order the pizza" Fred said and I smiled thankfully at him before digging into my pants pocket to get my phone "your parents are coming over for dinner so order a bit more than usual" I told Fred and he nodded before calling to order. 

Thankfully Fred didn't stand up to order the pizza but dragged me closer to him on the couch while he talked over the phone ordering the pizzas for the five of us, I felt my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep on Fred, until the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" George said as he stood up and went to answer the door "come on in" we heard George say as I stretched and sat up better, "sorry about falling asleep on you" I told Fred but he just smiled at me "you can always sleep on me love" Fred said. 

"Hey" I said as I saw Arthur and Molly walking into the house "Y/N the pizzas are here" George called out to me and I stood up "I'm coming" I called out to him going to pay for the pizzas, when I got to the door I froze, Stefan stood there holding the pizzas. George was giving him a look that could kill as I stood there not able to move, "what's taking so long you two?" Fred asked as he came into the entry of the house only to see Stefan standing there a tiny smirk on his face "hey" he said. 

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