Part 11

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When we got to the twins store Fred was so quick to pull me into a hug, it was almost scary how quick he ran down those stairs, "are you okay?" Fred asked and I nodded, "of course, we just went out for ice cream" I told him and he smiled at me when we pulled out of the hug. "I suddenly couldn't see you anywhere and George neither, I got so worried about you" Fred said while I smiled a little at him, "I'm fine" I told him. 

Charlie had gone to find George while we had been in that moment, "how does a brunch date sound to you? tomorrow?" Fred then asked and I smiled and nodded at him, "that sounds delicious" I told him and smiled. "Come on we need to get home or mom will go crazy that we're not at dinner, hey Y/N do you want to eat with us tonight?" George said as he walked down the stairs, "oh yes, thank you" I said gratefully to him and Fred took one of my hands and George the other and again we were in the air spinning away. 

We landed just outside of their place and I smiled, "we're eating inside today, there's a lot of magic" Fred said as George and Charlie walked into the house, I smiled at Fred and pecked his cheek, "are we going inside?" I asked and he nodded. We walked into the house and I felt my jaw drop to the floor, there was a chair that had some needles knitting just floating above it and I smiled at the magic, then I noticed a broom sweeping the floors and then Fred screamed. 

"That's my broom" he said as he took his wand out instantly making it stop sweeping, "that's what you get for leaving it where anyone can see and take it" Molly said and I smiled at them "ah, Y/N dear, are you eating with us?" Molly asked and I smiled at her "if that's okay" I said and she nodded. "Of course that's okay dear" Molly said going back into what I assumed to be the kitchen, Fred was looking at the end of his broom, it looked like it was about to fall apart. 

I sat down beside him on the couch, "Fred" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder in a calming manner, "this was my first broom that wasn't a hand me down from the guys" Fred whispered and I gave him a sideway hug. Then I got an idea, "I'll be right back" I told Fred and went to find George, once I found George he was talking to Bill about something he needed for a prank product. 

"George, can I take you away for a second?" I asked him and he nodded and walked over to me, "how can I change pounds into you're currency? and how much is a new good broom?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know that?" he asked and I smiled sadly at him, "do you not see how upset your twin is about his broom?" I asked George and he nodded then it was like realization hit him, "you're wanting to buy him a new broom?" he asked and I nodded. 

"You really care about him don't you?" George asked and I nodded "I hate seeing him this upset and sad, I can't handle it" I told George and he smiled, "I'm glad, he feels that way towards you too, like when you came that evening while Stefan was still at yours, Fred was cursing the bastard the whole time we were packing" George said smiling. I smiled at Fred who still sat with his broom in his lap and just looked at it with a sad expression, his broom was destroyed, I may not understand that completely but I knew how much loosing an important item was.  

"I'll come with you tomorrow, how does that sound?" George said and I smiled, "Fred and I have our date tomorrow, do you think we could get away now?" I asked him and he smirked going into the kitchen. "Come on, let's go then, before mom changes her mind" George said as we walked out of the burrow and we were spinning before I knew it. 

We stood outside of a store and George knocked on the door, a young guy came to the door and smiled when he saw George, "George! where's Fred?" he asked, "Fred's at home but I brought a friend with me who wants to buy a broom for Freddie, will you take one away to keep until we have changed the money into our currency?" George asked the guy. The guy I now knew as Lee nodded his head and smiled, "anything for the two of you" he said and George smiled and waved before dragging me with him into what I assumed was a bank. 

"Stay close, goblins aren't really friendly" George said as he opened the door and we walked in, I stayed close to George like he told me to do, we made our way to one of the funny creatures that George called goblins. "Yes" the one behind the desk said and George smiled, "we need to change pounds into galleons, sickles and knuts" George said and the goblin smirked evilly before nodding and putting a small hand out. 

"You're going to need a lot of money, how much do you have?" George asked, "I have enough, I took out of my bank account earlier a lot of money, how much do you need?" I told George and he smiled at me. "It's going to have to be around 200pounds" George said and I nodded before taking my purse out and handing George the money, George handed the goblin my money and he went to fiddle with something under his desk. 

After a long five minutes all the money was on the table and George slid it into a pouch and handed me the pouch, "come on, let's go back to Lee" George said and I nodded smiling as we made our way back to the broom store. 

When we got there George once again knocked on the door and the same guy came and answered, he smiled letting us in, "I didn't know which broom you wanted to get him" Lee said and I smiled. "She'll get the firebolt" George told Lee and he smiled. 

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