Part 16

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A/N: Okay so I just wanted to say I have been OBSESSED with this song for the last couple of days and I've been listening to it on repeat so yeah! you can listen to it if you'd like 

I looked around myself, I was in bed, I must have fallen asleep over the movie and Fred must have brought me up here, I looked over at the angelic face of Fred as he looked to be deep in a good dream. I smiled as Fred came and snaked his arm around me pulling me closer to himself and cuddling into me as far as he could, I could feel him breath onto his shirt that he must have put on me. 

I realized I still had my bra on, I smiled at how much of a gentleman Fred could be, even though we were dating he still didn't remove my bra, not having the allowance to remove it he kept it on me. I smiled at the thought of him wanting to respect my privacy of my body, I felt Fred stir beside me and I smiled as he opened one eye "good morning" I said to him in a low voice as he was still waking up. 

"'Morning, what time is it?" he asked and I smiled fondly at him "I don't know, I didn't check the time, I didn't want to risk waking you up, you seemed to be dreaming something good" I answered him and he smiled at me. "Thank you" he said as he picked his watch up of his nightstand, I looked over at his bare back and saw the muscles he had, I felt myself mover over the bed and put my hands softly onto his shoulders. 

I slowly let my hands move down his chest as I kissed his cheek, "I love you Y/N" Fred suddenly said and we both froze, "I know that was soon, I wasn't planning on saying anything" Fred mumbled quietly and I smiled kissing his cheek again "I love you too" I told him and he smiled. "Come back and lay down? I want some proper cuddles" I told Fred, he chuckled at me and I smiled at the sound coming from his mouth as I laid back down on the bed waiting for him to do the same. 

Thankfully Fred decided to come and cuddle me again and I smiled as Fred kissed the top of my head, "you fell asleep on my shoulder last night, I figured you would sleep better up here rather than on the couch" Fred explained and I smiled. "I figured that much out by my self, and thank you for not removing my bra" I told Fred and he kissed me on the top of my head again, "George tried to get me to remove it, he said it was more comfortable to sleep like that, like he would know" Fred said and I smiled. 

"I mean he was right about the comfortable part but I'm glad you didn't remove it, I would have been uncomfortable knowing that you saw me that way so soon" I told Fred and I felt him smile into my head while I smiled into his chest. It was safe to say this morning was one of the best mornings I had ever had, "you know, I really am serious about us" Fred told me and I smiled kissing his chest lightly and looking up to him "I know, I am too" I told him and he smiled down at me pecking my lips softly. 

After we had been cuddling in quiet for probably around half an hour Fred sat up making my head fall onto his lap and I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a frown on my face, Fred chuckled at me and shook his head. "come on, we need to get out of bed, it's already 12pm and I'm pretty sure mom is going crazy about not having seen me in two days and George not in a whole day" Fred said and I chuckled. 

"Of course she is, let me come with you to explain?" I asked Fred while he nodded, "sure, get dressed in something of your own cloths so mom won't scold me for 'sleeping with you' so soon and 'without being dating you'" Fred said and we both chuckled. "She would actually think that?" I asked him and he laughed, "hell yes she would, sadly she always thought the least of George and I although Ron has always felt like he was the least favorite child" Fred said and I smiled sadly at him. 

I left the bed and went over to him and put my arms around his torso, "I'm sorry she doesn't think any better of you, although she loves the two of you, she makes that as obvious as she could ever do" I told Fred and he nodded. "I know she loves us, that's not a problem, she just never believes we can be gentlemen, she doesn't think we're grown enough for that" Fred said and I felt bad for him. 

I quickly kissed him on the lips before going into the bathroom and getting ready for the day, I took a really quick shower and brushed my teeth and all that, when I got out of the bathroom I heard my stomach grumble and Fred smiled at me, "I need a shower as well" he said taking his cloths and kissing my head before going into the bathroom. I smiled at the bathroom door but went downstairs only to find George working away in the kitchen, "mom's French toast" George said when he heard me in the doorway. 

I smiled before going to set the table with silver wear and some plates before getting the syrup, once everything was on the table I sat down, "hey, how did you know I was in here? I hadn't made a sound" I asked George and he chuckled. "Fred said you would probably be down soon when he came and asked me to make breakfast" George explained and I smiled, "orange juice?" I asked and I saw him nod into the pan before I went and got the juice out of the fridge. 

I set the juice onto the table and helped George clean everything up that he was done using, exactly when I was done cleaning the things up he had used George was finishing the French toast and Fred was coming downstairs. "How was the shower?" I asked Fred as all three of us sat down at the table "it was good thank you" he said as we all ate the rest of our food in quiet, all three of us being as hungry as we could probably ever get. 

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