part 2

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I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door and I groaned looking at my phone to see that it was already 12pm, I hurried off of the couch, I had a tank top and some striped pajama pants on. When I opened the door there Fred and George stood, "hey, oh, did we wake you?" they asked together and I chuckled at them, "yeah kinda but it's fine, do you want to come in?" I asked them and they both nodded and I stepped away to let them in.

"Just let me go get dressed" I told them and ran up the stairs, I put on a plain red T-shirt and some light skinny jeans before going back down the stairs to see the twins sitting on the couch holding my phone that was ringing. "Oh, um, here you go" Fred said and I smiled taking my phone only to see that it was mom, I sighed and answered "hey dear, how was the first night?" mom asked me through the phone and yet again I sighed.

"I slept on the couch, my bed is literally in pieces" I told her over the phone and she went to explain that I had to put it together and that maybe I would get help from those boys that helped us yesterday, she didn't even bother trying to learn their names. "Yes mom, okay, I have guests, I'll call you later" I told mom and she said bye and I sighed happy to be over with the conversation.

"Do you want help with your bed?" Fred asked and I felt my smile become huge, "if you two wouldn't mind" I told them and George seemed to give Fred a elbow into the back while he seemed to give George a look back. "Of course we don't mind" George then said, "although we came for a different reason" Fred said and I smiled, "okay what's up" I asked and they smirked a smirk I had also seen on their dad's face.

"Mom wanted us to invite you and your parents to dinner" Fred said and I laughed as we were walking up the stairs and into my bedroom, "I though you heard mom when she told me she and dad were going to the airport, I don't even know when they'll be back" I told them. "Well all the more reason for you to join us then" George said and I smiled at them over my shoulder before opening the door into my bedroom.

"Let me think about it while we put the bed together?" I asked and they both nodded, "of course, now how do we do this" Fred asked and I chuckled, "you've never put a bed together?" I asked them and they both shook their heads. "Here, we need to drill these screws into the bedhead to fit the legs and body to it then we need to put the mattress on, then I can deal with making the bed" I told them and they nodded although they still seemed to be confused.

After about two hours of putting the bed together and the boys insisting to help me make the bed we all sat down exhausted on the couch, "how about some coffee and some of your moms cookies?" I asked and they both nodded, "hell yeah" they said together. I chuckled at them before going to get some cups from the top cabinet that I had taken out of boxes and washed yesterday.

"Fred, can you help me in here?" I called out to the living room, George came in and I sighed, "you know I can tell you two apart" I told George and his face fell before Fred came in his face almost fallen off as well. "Our own mother still can't even tell us apart" George exclaimed and I smiled sadly, "I guess that's what being a twin does to you, you can tell other twins apart more easily" I told them and their faces fell off again.

"Where is your twin then?" Fred asked and I smiled sadly at the two boys, "he passed away, it was a car accident, our dad had been drinking and was picking him up after football practice but he drove off of the road and sadly I lost my twin" I told them. Fred and George hugged me tightly to them and I felt a single tear roll out of my eye. I pulled out of the hug and pointed at the cups, Fred smirked a little and took the three cups down and handed them to me and I gave him a thankful smile.

After we sat in the kitchen for about another hour the boys had to go, "hey, about dinner, tell your mom I'll be there" I told them and they both smiled before nodding and leaving for their place. I sighed as I closed the door, Fred had been very sweet, he was also good looking, Fred had also made me laugh a real laugh for the first time in very long so I appreciated that.

All too soon it was 5pm and I had to get dressed for dinner, I went upstairs and rummaged around in my closet, I had unpacked all my cloths earlier today. (this is what you wore... feel free to change it if you don't like it, in the top left only take the clothes and imagine the ear rings in rose gold)

 I smiled at my mirror image before grabbing my phone and putting it into my side bag before grabbing my keys and locking the door, before I made my way over to the Weasleys house

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 I smiled at my mirror image before grabbing my phone and putting it into my side bag before grabbing my keys and locking the door, before I made my way over to the Weasleys house. When I stood outside I drew in a deep breath and knocked on the door, "Ron go answer the door" I heard a woman call from the inside, "but Percy is closer" I heard a male call "I'm reading for work" I heard the unmistakable voice of Percy Weasley. Then I heard the same woman curse and then open the door, "ah, you must be Y/N, our new neighbor, I'm Molly, the twins are out in the back where we'll be eating" she told  me and I smiled, "thank you Mrs. Weasley" I said to her. 

"Oh dear just call me Molly, there's no need for formalities" she said and I smiled, "okay, thank you Molly" I said before going to the back of the house to see Fred and George arguing about what sounded like self writing quills "hey" I said when I got closer. Both of the boys froze and turned around before hugging me "damn you look good Y/N" George said and I felt a bit of a blush go onto my cheeks "thank you George" I said and he nodded. 

Soon a girl with brown bushy hair came out with two boys behind her, one boy had black unrully hair while the other had red hair like the twins. "Oh Y/N, that's Ron, our youngest brother, we have a sister who is a year younger than Ron, that's Hermione and Harry, Ron's friends" the twins explained and I smiled before saying 'hi' to the three others. 

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