Part 29

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"What's wrong?" I asked George but he shook his head "nothing for you to worry about, you look gorgeous" George said and I smiled at him while nodding "thank you" I told him before he looked over to the other two girls "we need to talk" George said. I went over to the kids while George went over to the other two girls and whispered something to them, I took the compliments that the girls gave me although I looked worriedly over to the other three adults. 

"What?! why are you here then! he only listens to you!" I heard Ginny scream while pointing an accusing finger at George, "he won't" I heard George whisper "he'll only listen to her" George whispered once again and Ginny and Hermione looked furious. "Molly dear, come over here a second" Hermione said sweetly to my daughter as I went over with her "guys what's going on?" I asked them, Ginny and Hermione sighed but smiled none the less. 

"Fred is having cold feet, he say's he won't be able to take care of you as well as another guy, it's just his stress and nerves talking, don't worry about it, Molly here will talk her dad out of this nonesens" Ginny said. "Won't you dear?" Hermione then asked Molly who looked proud to be having a project like this in the wedding "of course I will" she said and smiled at my worried face "don't worry mommy, he won't be having cold feet after this" Molly said and kissed my cheek before leaving with George to the burrow. 

All too soon it was time to leave for the wedding, Molly still hadn't returned with George which made me even more worried "what if she couldn't talk him into his place again?" I asked the girls as the kids were running in front of us. "Don't worry she did" Hermione said and I nodded, still a bit nervous about everything. 

When we reached the place where I would wait for the girls and guys to go in Hermione and Ginny took the kids to Molly who sat with Molly II, "she did it" Molly whispered to her daughter as Fred stood at the end still seeming to be as nervous as ever to Ginny. 

Arthur, Harry, George and Ron came over just as the girls were coming back, "she did it" Ginny whispered to me and I sighed with relief, and nodded at her as the music started playing and out walked George with a little Molly II from the corner, Molly had a basket full of flowers she threw out onto the walkway. After them it were Ron and Hermione and then Harry and Ginny. Then it was finally my turn, I looked over to Arthur ,who had been like a dad to me since I moved in, and I smiled, "don't worry, everything will be perfect" he whispered to me as we rounded the corner. 

I saw Fred and he looked as handsome as ever, his red hair was pushed back a little and his suit fit him perfectly, showing off a little of those muscles of his, he had a smile as huge as the sun on his face and he seemed to relax when he saw me walk down the isle. Fred let his eyes wander around my body as I smiled at him, my eyes sparkling in the afternoon sun that rested at a perfect height for the wedding, the light red, light blue and gold color scheme of the tables and decorations shone in the sunlight. 

All to soon I was at the end of the isle and Fred quickly kissed my hand and smiled at me before we walked up to the priest. 

After the ceremony everyone were sat around a table eating some cake or on the dance floor dancing around, "and now, for the couples first dance as a husband and wife" the weird sisters said, the weird sisters were Fred's favorite magical band and I smiled as Fred put his hand out for me to take. After taking his hand he pulled me up from my seat and gently lead me to the dance floor, "you look absolutely stunning" Fred said as he pulled me closer to him as we started dancing around the dance floor. 

"You don't look too bad yourself" I told him as we smiled at each other, Fred kissed my lips quickly as we continued to dance around, once the dance was over Fred and I staid on the dance floor as we continued dancing with the other couples. 

As the time got later and later in the night, we all sent the kids up to their own beds while us adults continued dancing around and having fun, even though the kids had protested Molly said that all of them had fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows. I smiled as Molly told Fred and I how good the kids had been about falling asleep, it was a lot after their normal bedtime either way so it wasn't surprising that they all fell asleep right away but it was still nice to know that they did fall so quickly asleep. 

After the wedding and everyone had left Fred and I went back home to pack the last of our things into our bags, I smiled at Fred as I took his arm and he apparaited us away from our own place. We landed in front of a cabin somewhere in the woods and I smiled at the wooden like building, "come on, let me carry you over the threshold" Fred said and I chuckled at him but let him lift me up off of my feet. 

When we were inside I smiled at the surrounding as I looked at the huge living room I was stood in, "this was left in George and I's will from a family member" Fred explained and I smiled at him before giving him a long, passionate kiss. "I love you so much Fred" I told him and he smiled at me "I love you too Y/N Weasley" Fred said and smirked at me before kissing my lips again. 

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