Part 5

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I watched as all of them walked back to their place and I sighed as I closed the front door and put some music on from Spotify while I cleaned up after dinner. I took all the dishes and cans inside and threw away what had to be thrown away before putting all the leftovers away and filling the dishwasher with forks and knifes, plates and other things that we had used. 

As soon as I finished I fell onto the couch my legs as tired as they get after a long day. I decided to just go early to bed tonight, well not early exactly, it was midnight so it wasn't exactly early but it was earlier than usual for me. I fell onto the bed and sighed contently as I felt the warm covers cover me all from toe to chin, I quickly fell asleep dreaming of nothing but one specific Fred Weasley. 

I woke up in shock, did I just have, I couldn't have just had, I looked at the time on my phone and sighed, another early morning for me, it was 6am, I sighed and went downstairs to make myself some coffee. While the coffee was running I grabbed some eggs and a pan to make some fried eggs, I threw some bread into the toaster and put it down to get the toast ready. 

I took my mug from underneath the coffee maker and took a sip before letting a accepting moan from the coffee go down my throat while looking out for the eggs, when the toast came out I put some butter on and then looked back at the eggs. I smiled and took the eggs off of the stove and put them onto my toasted bread, I sat down with my coffee and got myself a fork and a knife and started on my breakfast. 

After I finished eating I took out of the dishwasher and put everything where it was supposed to be, then I put the things I had been using into the dishwasher. I went and got my hamper after doing the dishes and found my way into the laundry room before sorting my laundry and putting it into the washing machine and starting it up. 

I looked out the window and dropped my phone, they, they were flying around on brooms? I'm going crazy I told myself, there was no way I had seen them flying in the air on brooms. I went out into the back yard and looked at them, Ron pointed at me and they all quickly flew down before the twins came over.

"How much did you see?" they asked frantically and I stared at them in shock, "I - I'm not going, well crazy? you were actually flying on brooms?" I asked and the twins seemed to look at each other and speak with their mind to each other. "Can we come in?" Fred asked while they both took brooms from behind their backs, I stared at the brooms and then their faces but nodded not being able to speak from surprise. 

When we got inside they looked at each other and took what looked like a stick with some patterns on them out from their pockets, I stared with big eyes, the patterns were beautiful, especially on Fred's stick. "These are wands and not just regular sticks, we're wizards" George said, "the whole family is" Fred added, Fred wasn't looking at me at all just at the floor.  

I felt my stomach drop, he wouldn't look at me, why? I didn't know, I looked at George and I knew that George noticed on my face that I didn't care about the wizard thing, I just wanted to see Fred's eyes. George gave Fred a elbow in his sides and Fred looked up at my eyes, I threw my arms around his neck and motioned George to get into the hug, "why were you two so nervous to tell me?" I asked them still holding them close. 

"Well it's against the wizarding law to tell someone unless your getting married to someone who isn't or if you're muggleborn, so witches and wizards that don't have magical parents" George explained. I let them both go and smiled at them, "and we were afraid you'd look at us differently" Fred whispered his answer and I smiled and him, "I would never look at the two of you or anyone in your family differently" I told them and smiled kindly. 

The two boys smiled back and I hugged them tightly to me again, I felt them both hug back and I smiled into their shoulders, "we need to go, the youngest once are going back to school and we promised we'd see them off" George said and Fred nodded. "Yeah, we did, didn't we?" Fred asked his twin and he nodded, "we'll see you later Y/N" Fred called after himself as they left the house.

I smiled after them, Fred had smelled so amazing, he smelled like fresh air and pine wood, there was also a hint of newly moaned grass which fell perfectly in with the other two scents. I smiled to myself as I thought about Fred but shook my head, how did I already feel so strongly about him, it was like there was something tugging at me to go to him and never leave.

I looked in the mirror and touched my hair lightly, I looked down to my cloths before I heard my phone ring and I picked it up instantly seeing the name on the screen, "hi" I said to my best friend as a smile appeared on my face, "hey" he said. I smiled to myself as we started to talk, "so, I was wondering, I'm coming over to you for my birthday, could I possibly stay at yours?" he asked and I chuckled and smiled to myself, "is that even a question, I haven't seen you in so long of course you can stay at mine" I told him. 

"Oh thank god, I don't have the money for a hotel or anything like that" he told me and I laughed at him, we said our good bye's and hung up, "okay, so, he comes in three days so I need to get the rest of the guest bedroom ready" I told myself out loud. Then there was a knock on my front door so I opened it up, "Stefan" I screamed surprised to see him here so early and pulled him into a tight hug. 

"I was here early so I decided that since I could stay here why not just come early" he said and I smiled "I missed you" I told him still holding him in the hug, not letting him go until we heard someone clear their throat behind us. I looked up to see the twins standing there, George seemed to be hurt to see me hugging someone so closely and Fred seemed for a second like he was jealous, "oh, guys, this is my best friend Stefan, Stefan these are two of my neighbors Fred and George" I introduced them. 

Both Fred and George seemed to relax a little bit and they all said hi to each other, "Stefan is staying with me for some time" I told them and they smiled. 

The unexpected wizard (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now