Part 24

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Half a month later I woke up with a smile on my face, I gently pushed at Fred to wake him up, "come on love, it's gender reveal and baby shower day" I told Fred kissing his forehead while waking him up. "Mmmmm" Fred mumbled out as he opened one eye up and looked at me with those hazel eyes of his, "did you say baby shower and gender reveal day?" Fred asked and I chuckled lightly at him "yep" I said popping the 'P' as I went out of bed.

"Come on, we need to get ready" I told him and he smirked at me before standing up and going to the bathroom with me. (This is what you wore feel free to change it)

After we had gotten dressed, Fred had a white button up with some dark jeans on, we went downstairs to see Molly and George already starting to setting everything up I smiled at them as the front door opened up and Arthur came into the house

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After we had gotten dressed, Fred had a white button up with some dark jeans on, we went downstairs to see Molly and George already starting to setting everything up I smiled at them as the front door opened up and Arthur came into the house. "Why hello" he said greeting Fred and I as he levitated the plates down that had been floating in the air behind him, "good morning Arthur" I told him and he smiled and nodded. 

Fred was already outside helping George set something up out there, after we had been decorating for what felt like hours on end the doorbell started to ring, thankfully all the kids had been allowed to come from school to celebrate with us. I looked around until I noticed some of my own family, some aunts, uncles, cousins, family I hadn't seen in what felt like forever, I quickly made my way over to them and hugged all of them. 

"Who's the father" one of them asked and I chuckled before looking around the room for Fred, "there, the twin on the left" I said pointing Fred out, "I really love him and we're actually dating, it wasn't just a one night thing" I told them and they all seemed to relax a little bit. "Come on love, George said it's time for the reveal" Fred said putting his hand on my lower back stealing me away from my own family. 

I found Ginny and Hermione in the crowd and I smiled to them winking a little and they both smiled back, "one, two, three" George said and two fireworks went into the air, one giving pink sparks and the other giving blue sparks. Everyone cheered as Fred kissed me passionately on the lips, "it's one of each" Fred said and I nodded "yeah, I know" I said before kissing him again on the lips a smile playing on my lips. 

After the reveal everyone were talking about this and that, some of the Weasleys talked to some of my family and I smiled as I saw them getting along well. "This will be an interesting journey" I told Fred and he nodded, "of course it is" he answered and smiled down to me. 

A/N = I'm sorry this one is short...... I just didn't know what else to write about the shower/reveal.....

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