Part 13

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When I got inside my place I smiled to myself, I hurriedly got ready for bed and then tucked myself into my cover and fell asleep with a happy smile on my face, tomorrow was going to be a good day.

I woke up at 7:30am and went into the shower, I turned the shower on letting the water heat up while I stripped myself of my pajamas, when I was in the shower I used my favorite shampoo and conditinor, I cleaned my body with some rose and vanilla sented body wash. When I got out of the shower I quickly dried myself off and brushed my teeth better than usually just so my teeth would look a little better than normal.

(This is what you wore feel free to change it👇👇👇)

I looked myself over in the mirror when I was ready for the date, I looked at the clock on my phone and hurried to get my things into my purse, I put my money in and my phone and keys

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I looked myself over in the mirror when I was ready for the date, I looked at the clock on my phone and hurried to get my things into my purse, I put my money in and my phone and keys. Just as I was finishing there came a knock on the door and I smiled to myself before opening the door to see Fred standing there in a fancy T-shirt and some black jeans. 

I smiled at him and he smiled back, "you look good" Fred said while I smiled, "so do you" I said back before he put his hand out for me to take, "how are we getting there?" I asked Fred and he seemed to look smug about something. "We're taking a car, I was actually hoping you could drive since I don't have the license to do it" Fred said and I smiled at him and nodded grabbing my car keys from inside before closing the door and locking it. 

"Where are we going?" I asked and Fred smirked, "just drive after my information" Fred told me and I chuckled at him but started the car and drove away from the house in the only available direction on the road. "Go to left over there" Fred said pointing at the T lane coming in front of us and I nodded "okay" I said as I went left where I was told to go. 

"Now to right" Fred said, I raised an eyebrow at him, he was taking us into the woods, "why the woods?" I asked while he smirked once again and shook his head "it's a surprise" he said, I smiled at him before Fred told me to park the car and so I did. I looked around where I was told to stop and I gave Fred a look "are you going to kill me out here?" I asked with a smirk on my face and Fred laughed at me but shook his head, "come on" Fred said and pulled at my hand leading me further into the wood. 

I looked around myself and then at Fred who was still holding my hand and walking just slightly in front of me "we're almost there" Fred said and I smiled while nodding my head to show him that I understood. We walked for about a minute more and then we were in a clearing, with nothing around except for a beautiful waterfall and a small river flowing from it and the wood behind us. 

Fred had set a picnic basket up and a blanket underneath it, there were some plates resting on top of the basket and some glasses that lay beside the plates, I looked from the view to Fred who smiled at me a real smile. I went over to him and gave him a tight hug, "this is so beautiful thank you" I whispered into his ear and pecked his cheek before walking closer to the river and looking at the small fish that swam through. 

"Come and sit down so we can eat?" Fred asked and I looked over to where Fred sat at the picnic blanket with some warm cinnamon French toast on two plates and some orange juice in the cups. There was a bit of bacon on the plates as well as some scrambled eggs, I instantly got water in my mouth, "Fred, this looks delicious" I told Fred as I sat down and took one plate from him and smiled at the food. 

"You can start" Fred said and chuckled when I instantly grabbed some bacon with my fingers and took a bite of the crispy meat, I let a low moan escape my lips, it had been way too long since I had bacon. Fred smiled at me as I took another bite and another and another until all the bacon had disappeared from my plate, then I went onto the eggs and then the toast, I never ate things like this together I was often called rude for it but I didn't mind it the people closest to me always accepted it.  

Fred smiled while he ate his own food, while we ate we did a bit of small talks and looked at the view in front of us, "you know I really, really like you Y/N" Fred said and I looked to my right where Fred sat and I nodded "I know, and I really, really like you too Fred" I told him and he smiled. When we finished eating our food Fred took the basket off of the blanket and he laid down motioning me to come and lay with him on the blanket that we had sat on. 

I smiled and lay my head onto his shoulder while cuddling up to him as we looked at the clouds moving in slow motions around the sky, barely any cloud was seen up on the sky, it was a good but a bit chilly morning, it wasn't quite fall nor was it quite still summer. 

We just laid there in a comfortable silence watching the clouds, Fred had one of his hands around me while his other one laid on his chest/stomach area, I stretched my hand over and took his hand in mine while softly stroking his knuckles. "Hey, I know this might be soon and maybe moving a bit quickly but I just can't help but wonder if maybe you would possibly be my girlfriend?" Fred asked and I felt myself blush. 

I looked up at Fred to see his face as red as his hair and I smiled the blush still evident on my cheeks, Fred looked down into my eyes and I saw how the sun made his eyes look almost honey like even though they weren't quite that light usually in the light that came from the lights in houses. I saw the hope that I would say yes swimming around in his eyes and I saw the love and care he held in there, I couldn't help it, I brought my hand up into his hair and plaid a little with it while just examining him. 

"I would be honored to be your girlfriend Fred Weasley" I told him and I saw relief flood his eyes as I went up and pecked his lips a little, Fred held me a little closer than before, kissing the top of my head after we had gotten back into the position we had been in a couple of minutes before.   

The unexpected wizard (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now