Part 28

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A/N = Hi so there will be a lot of pictures around half way through the chapter!

All too soon a year of hard planning had gone away from us and the the big wedding day was about to happen, I woke up smiling, Molly II, Lukas and George II had staid at Molly and Arthurs with Fred for the night, giving me 100% free until the wedding.

Hermione and Ginny knocked on my bedroom door, I had staid at the house with the girls while Fred and George had both gone over to Molly and Arthurs. I groaned as they opened the door, "waky, waky" Hermione said as she and Ginny sat down at the bed, I opened one eye when I smelt the smell of pancakes and bacon.

"You two made breakfast?" I asked surprised and they chuckled, "you will need all the energy you can get for today" Ginny told me as she smiled at me and I nodded my head before taking the try of food and starting to eat it up. After I had finished my food Ginny pushed me into the shower while Hermione left with the try of food "come on, use this" Ginny said handing me a bottle that said 'body wash'.

"What's so special about this one?" I asked Ginny and she smirked "a special mix of different smells" Ginny said and I raised an eyebrow "if this has Amortentia, I will most definitely not use it, I don't want to attract everyone there, remember the kids will be there" I told Ginny and she sighed knowing I was right. "Fine" Ginny sighed before taking the bottle back and I smirked, "who said I wouldn't use it on the honeymoon?" I asked and smirked at her before taking the bottle back.

Ginny drew the shower curtains closed while I turned the shower on, while I showered Ginny was getting all sorts of things ready, just before I stepped out of the shower Ginny handed me a towel, "put this over your hair and step out, I'll use magic to dry you up, it's quicker" she said and I did as told. After the towel was around my hair I stepped out of the shower to see all sorts of magical hair and body items along with some makeup, "now I'm scared" I told the two girls now standing in front of me.

Both girls smirked and we all laughed together, before they pushed me into a chair, Hermione starting on my hair and Ginny started on my makeup. After two hours of them working on me they were finished "there, look" Ginny said and I looked into the mirror to see myself. "Come on, dress time" Hermione cheered as we all heard the front door open up, I had a fuzzy robe around myself to keep warm.

"It's just us kids dear" Molly called up the stairs, "up here mom" Ginny called and the kids came running up the stairs, when all kids were up in the bedroom Molly came after them, holding all their outfits. "Here the outfits are, I'm sorry I can't help more, there's too much that needs to be done at the house, oh and Y/N dear you look amazing" Molly said. "Thank you Molly, and it's okay we'll get them into their cloths" I told Molly.

(Ginny and Hermione)

(George, Harry and Ron)

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(George, Harry and Ron)

(Fred (replace the bow tie with a red and gold tie))

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(Fred (replace the bow tie with a red and gold tie))

(Fred (replace the bow tie with a red and gold tie))

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(Molly II and Rose)

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(Molly II and Rose)

(Lukas, George II and James)

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(Lukas, George II and James)

Hermione did the girls hair while Ginny put the comb into my hair before getting my dress, "wait, I need to help you and 'Mione get ready" I told Ginny and she instantly hung the dress back up while I did Ginny's makeup for her, I may do it the mu...

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Hermione did the girls hair while Ginny put the comb into my hair before getting my dress, "wait, I need to help you and 'Mione get ready" I told Ginny and she instantly hung the dress back up while I did Ginny's makeup for her, I may do it the muggle way but I was sure that Hermione would fix it up if I messed it up. When Hermione had done the girls hair she put the TV on and went to do Ginny's hair while I made sure the girls didn't mess up their hairs. 

Once Ginny was done I went back up the stairs to the girls where I did Hermione's make up while Ginny worked on her hair, we still had some music playing in the background as we were getting ready. All too soon Hermione was ready and the three of us were helping the younger kids into their own outfits, Hermione and I tackled our own girls until it came to the boys to get dressed. 

I helped George, Hermione helped Lukas while Ginny helped James, after all the kids were dressed in their cloths we got them settled back in front of the TV while the girls got their own dresses out. I helped both of them get their dresses on while we laughed at our own failure of getting them on, when both girls were finally dressed it was my turn. 

Hermione and Ginny helped each other take the dress out of the plastic that was around it to keep it safe from dust and other things that might want to set in on it, when the dress was out the girls helped me get it on. As I looked in the full body mirror I had in my room I got tears in my eyes, "I'm actually doing this, it's finally the day" I told them and they smiled at me as they stood on each side smiling at me in the mirror. 

"Yes it is, and you are going to enjoy every second of it" Ginny said as we all smiled and we went down stairs, as the three of us got downstairs we saw George standing there talking to the kids, Ginny cleared her throat as she and Hermione tried to hide me. "You girls know it's George" I told them and they instantly stopped their frantic hiding of me and I chuckled at them "what's up George, aren't you supposed to be helping Fred?" I asked. 

When George turned around he had that serious and worried expression that told me something was wrong. 

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