Part 17

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After we had eaten breakfast/lunch we all help each other clean up before getting ready to go over to the Weasleys house. I smiled at the twins as we stood outside the door to the house, Fred took my hand realizing my nervousness, I smiled up at him and he smiled back down at me before George opened the door into the house and we were all met with the scary scream of Molly. 

"Where have you been?" she screeched at the twins and I almost hid behind Fred, Molly was really scary when she was mad, "Y/N dear, where did you find them?" Molly asked and I blushed. "At our house mom" Fred said taking my hand in his not letting it go, "your place?" Molly asked the boys with raised eyebrows, "Y/N tends to get lonely at that huge house so she offered Fred and I to move in, I have a feeling it has something with the two of them dating" George said walking past his mom into the kitchen. 

"You two can't move out, you're not responsible enough to live on your own for Merlins beard" Molly scolded, "sorry to break it to you Molly but those two are more responsible than I probably am" I told Molly and she looked shocked, I was very responsible. "Is that true?" Molly asked Fred since George was already up stairs probably packing his and Fred's bags, "well I wouldn't say we were more responsible but we really are responsible enough to do this mom" Fred said and I noticed tears start to well up in Molly's eyes. 

"Ohh come here" Molly said pulling Fred into a tight hug "George, come down here" Molly called up to the other twin and he jogged down stairs only to be pulled into a group hug with his twin and his mother. I smiled at the three of them until we all heard the fireplace go off and Arthur appeared in the fireplace, I jumped back a bit before realizing this was one of the wizarding travel ways. 

"Our boys are moving out" Molly sobbed quietly as Arthur seemed to beam with pride that the two were moving out already, I smiled at the family as the hug lasted for good five minutes, that was until Fred pulled out of the hug. "George was right earlier though, a part of the reason is because Y/N and I are dating, it's new so don't think about grandchildren or a daughter in law right away mum" Fred said sternly looking at his mother. 

Molly sighed but nodded her head none the less, then she came over and hugged me tightly "let me know if they'll be too annoying, but congratulations" Molly whispered into my ear and I smiled at her not thinking that they could ever be annoying. All of us ended up eating dinner with the older adults before Fred and George took their things in their arms, an extandable charm on their backpacks that I guessed carried all their cloths and things like that while they held onto their shared owl cage. 

The twins had a huge owl, she was beautiful barn owl but she was a lot bigger than most barn owls which made me think that she was magical, "you know I can hold her cage for the two of you" I told them but Fred shook his head "no it's fine, she's a heavy girl" George said for his twin and I smiled at them but nodded none the less. When we got into the house I smiled at the thought of this being mine and the twins shared home, "welcome home" I told them and they smiled at me before Fred picked me up and ran towards the stairs "we'll see you later George" he called down to George. 

"Don't be too loud" I just so heard George call back up to us and I chuckled as Fred threw me onto the bed and went above me "I really love you" Fred said before he kissed me passionately on the lips, I instantly kissed him back with equal amount of passion. When we pulled away we were both out of breath a little, "I really love you too" I said and smashed my lips back onto his, this time my hands getting tangled in his hair and Fred's hands going between the mattress and my waist. 

Fred licked my lips asking for entrance, I instantly opened up for him letting him take full control of my mouth, soon Fred started to move his kisses more to my neck and I let a small moan escape before I lightly pushed at Fred's chest. He instantly stopped his kissing and looked me in the eyes "can we wait with that?" I asked Fred not looking him in the eyes as I was ashamed to be asking in the first place. 

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