Bonus: What Is This Christmas?

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Making this was unintentional. I wasn't planning this but I was like why not? Like I thought of this idea five minutes before writing this lol but I hope you enjoy it!

This happens months after the battle in Wennale and after Ami decides to stay.


"What the fuck is Christmas?"

Hoseok and Amethyst watched the humans dumbfounded as they decorated Jimin's apartment with shiny ornaments, wreaths, lights, and a Douglas fir in the corner. Colors and tones of red, gold, and silver enhanced the living space with low hums of chirpy music that was unknown to the magical beings.

Also, Jimin being Jimin, made a special shrine for Jesus Christ next to the tree.

"What? Wennale doesn't celebrate Christmas?" Namjoon questioned, almost shocked as he wrapped golden tinsel around the greenery.

"Uh, no?" Hoseok replied, almost confused. He stared at Jimin resting his eyes and palming his hands together in front of a picture of a man with a beard, muttering something.

"Why would we celebrate something we do not know anything about?" Amethyst said.

Jungkook finished putting the lights on the walls before jogging up and hugging his beloved witch. "It seems it's our turn to teach you witches!" He took her hand and led her towards the couch while clicking his tongue to her best friend to follow.

The witch and warlock sat down, still perplexed what this Christmas was. In fact, many realms don't celebrate events, apart from the leprechauns getting wasted on Saint Patrick's Day. They thought it was a waste of time and if they wanted to celebrate, they just did it. There didn't need to be a date or time to do it.

Though Amethyst was slowly getting accustomed to these human traditions, there were things she still didn't know of.

Meanwhile, for Hoseok, he just wanted to visit his best friend out of the blue and stumbled upon this bullshit.

"Namjoon Hyung, stop decorating! And Jimin Hyung, hurry up and finish your prayer!" The hopeless romantic called out in a rush. "Let's tell them what this holiday is about."

Namjoon dropped the tinsel then manly walked towards his friend while Jimin finished his chant and happily skipped to them.

"Is this Christmas thing all that important?" Hoseok wondered. "You three are making it like a very big deal. With these ornate decorations and praising the picture of a man over there, it sounds pretty serious."

"Well, all holidays around this time are important! Not just Christmas." Namjoon informed.

"There are multiple?" Ami was incredulous at what he spoke and the stupid trio nodded. "Okay before you tell me all, what is Christmas?"

Before Jungkook opened his mouth, Jimin stepped in and said, "If I may?"

His other two friends glared and rolled their eyes, knowing what he was gonna say but they let him be. They nodded and the religious one continued.

"Christmas is an annual festival on December 25th to honor the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God," Jimin explained. "It's a special holiday for those who worship him. That picture over there is him." He pointed to the photo.

"Worship?" Hoseok wondered out loud. "Oh, you mean your cult."

"It's not a cult!" The religious one of the bunch whined, trying to defend his lifestyle.

"Hey, I think I heard about that when I visited Aetherea with my father." The young witch recalled a memory from when she was young. "Aetherea is the realm of the angels and I believe they mentioned something of a Jesus Christ."

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