15. Amethyst

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Ami kicked Jungkook out because he kept disturbing her so now he was in Jimin's apartment, sulking and shit.

"Why is Ami a hard shell to crack?" The youngest asked as Namjoon and Jimin played video games. "Like I just wanna get to know her better. Is it that hard to ask for?"

"Kookie, first of all, she's a witch," Jimin said, not taking his eyes off the TV. "Witches are probably hard to penetrate through when it comes to emotions."

"Secondly, it's Ami. She isn't one to weakness. In fact, she's strong enough to kill us all without even touching us." Namjoon answered, gluing his eyes to the screen.

"But I've fallen for her..." The hopeless romantic sighed.

"We know." They said in unison.

"JK, we know you fall for every living thing that breathes your way but understand that it takes a while for others to fall in love too," Namjoon explained. "People don't dive in head first like you. They tiptoe their way in before dipping their body and then finally dunking their head."

"It's been weeks!" Jungkook complained. "I like her! My feelings are valid and she can come into my arms open access VIP exclusive!"

"You can't force her to like you! Just because you like her doesn't mean she wants to be in your arms open access VIP exclusive." Namjoon mocked. "We don't know if she likes you or not, but you know what? She's still around."

"You're lucky she didn't run away from you. She's willing to put up with you and your charcoaled ass." Jimin retorted. "Be grateful for it!"

"Honestly, Jungkook, if she rejects you, I think you should move on. It's better for your sake." Namjoon said truthfully. "She's also not leading you on so why not stop?"

Jungkook sulked but you know what? They were right. Just because he liked her doesn't mean as much. Ami needed to do the same back in order for something to happen. But she doesn't. She gave no signs of love towards Jungkook. She barely gave the time of day to him.

At that moment, Jungkook wondered whether or not he should continue to pursue Ami. Was it even worth it? He felt sparks every time he touched her and the butterflies in his stomach fluttered every time he saw her. But was it the same for her?

He didn't want to stop. He really liked her, more than the 147 girls he dated. She was different from the rest...mainly because she was a witch but nonetheless, she had some kind of effect on him. It kept luring him for more.

Sure, he was clingy or jealous but guess what? She didn't run away. Even if she did, he wanted to keep chasing after her.

He wanted his chance.

Suddenly, the Stupid Trio heard a high-pitched shriek from across. Jimin paused the game in concern as he stood up, followed by Namjoon. The sound stopped out of nowhere. The trio exchanged looks before the scream resumed once more.

"I'll go, just stay," Jungkook informed as he headed out the door. The screeching continued as he stepped inside her apartment.

He discovered her living room completely trashed. Feathers from her couch cushions were splattered. The couch was turned upside down. Her TV screen cracked with a hammer smashed into it. Papers were everywhere. Lightbulbs must have exploded as shards of glass were on her wooden floors.

Instantly, he heard whimpers coming from her witch room. He carefully walked through, trying to avoid the glass.

He reached the room and found books scattered around the floor, her substances and powders knocked over, and Ami weeping in the corner. He threw his emotions and other thoughts to the side to only think of his beloved witch and her safety.

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