5. Lemme Smoke that Purple Crop

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For the next few weeks, The trio grew suspicious of Mina and her actions. Though she did say she wanted to be alone, she's actually been spending time with Yoongi. They saw her in passing with him, during lunch with him, and walking home with him. She seemed more engaged in conversations with him to say the least.

The trio's suspicions were very different from one another. Namjoon assumed that she was a serial killer and that Yoongi was her next victim. She was the type of serial killer to slowly trap her victims and murder them when the time was right.

Jimin concluded by himself that she worshipped the devil. That's why she had the jar of teeth. He searched online that teeth were used as a ritual to summon Satan. He also noticed the way she spoke; she rarely used contractions and used phrases that were 'old.' He couldn't understand why but all he knew was that he prayed more often than usual.

Finally, there's Jungkook. He's just mad that Mina's been spending time with Yoongi. Though she often greeted him every time she saw the boy, it was brief and she had the loner by her side.

Sometimes he wanted to hear what their conversations were about, so when the two were getting lunch, Jungkook stayed at a distance but close enough to hear what they were saying.

It was very unusual.

"What is this?" Mina asked Yoongi as she grabbed a cup of the dark liquid.

"That's coffee," Yoongi replied. "Don't they have that back there?"

She took a sip and thought of the flavor, "Ahhh, we say it differently. The drink is called Bean Tartar."

Bean Tartar? Who the flipping fuck says that? Was it a European thing? Maybe that's why she talks and acts like that. I don't know, you tell me.

Jungkook would relay what he heard to his Hyungs to further discuss more theories and conclusions about her. It got to the point where they held meetings at Jimin's apartment late at night.

These dumb bitches were so invested in this that they bought a corkboard and plastered it on an open wall to keep their evidence and pictures.

Pictures were usually of Mina and taken by Jungkook to portray her gorgeous visuals.

It was almost two in the morning on a Thursday night and they adjourned their meeting with another theory added into their twenty-four other theories.

"You guys can sleep here if you want. Y'all basically live here rent-free anyways." Jimin said although it sounded like he complained halfway through.

"Please. I don't wanna go back home because I know my parents will yell that I didn't come home at 10 pm." Namjoon begged.

"Hyung, you're 24..." Jungkook said.

"Being 24 don't mean shit in my household.'" The eldest grumbled. "Plus I'm saving up to get my own place in a couple months."

"Why don't you share my apartment with me?" Jimin asked.

"Because I don't wanna wake up to Oceans by Hillsong UNITED every fucking day." Namjoon snapped back.

"Wow, you remembered!" Jimin smiled.

Namjoon was about to go off, but the youngest stepped in between.

"Hyung, just calm down." Jungkook patted his older's back. "Let's grab our stuff in my car."

Jimin led his friends to the door as they were putting on their shoes.

"The song is almost nine minutes long. No song should be nine minutes." The smart one muttered.

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