29. JK's Colorful Mind

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The ear wrenching cries of Namjoon and Jimin spread across Naameth as they attempted to escape from Dory's grip. But even if they did, they would have dropped to the ground.

"Oh my God, I'm gonna shit myself!" Namjoon wailed as he wiggled aggressively.

"Lord, please save me!" Jimin bawled with his palms pressed together.

"Hyungs!" Jungkook wailed out as he bolted after them but he wasn't high or fast enough to reach them. The goblin laughed at his attempt, which irked him to death.

The human tried shooting Dory with the bullets but Amethyst stopped him. "Jungkook, you must not do that. He is using them as shields!"

"But I can't do anyth—"

"Little one, I must be going now. I would get you but there is much to do." Nemo said as he flew backward. "But I'll take these humans so it's an excuse to see you again. I'm intrigued by you."

"You annoying fish!" Jungkook took his shoe and threw it at the goblin leader.

Nemo avoided the shoe and blinked at him, "You're not gonna get away from this." With that, he and the rest of the goblins flew away and were completely out of Naameth.


The remaining left the succubi realm. They wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Thank you all for your help. We're sorry that they took two of your humans." Lilith said as she gave a test tube of her discharge to Amethyst.

"It is alright. We are happy to help you." Amethyst smiled.

"I also hope what I did helped you and your lover boy." The sex demon smirked.

"Th-there is nothing between us!" The young witch grew defensive as she put the substance in her bag.

"Baby boo, denying will only hurt you. Temptations are to ease the body and mind. You'll thank me later."

They were back in the forest, sitting on logs not knowing what to do next. They had to get the last ingredient to complete the potion. However, Yoongi and Jungkook refused to continue their task without coming up with an idea to rescue Namjoon and Jimin.

While the humans were grieving over them, Hoseok and Ami video called Seokjin via wand about their recent events.

"Are the remaining alright?" Seokjin asked. "I don't see any cuts on you, but you can be emotionally scarred. Honey, are you okay? Do you need a hug? Hoseok, give her a hug."

Hoseok shrugged before wrapping his arms around his best friend tightly. He pinched her cheek as the Grand Warlock smiled in satisfaction.

"Father, Hoseok and I are okay." Amethyst chuckled at her father's constant worrying. "But Yoongi and Jungkook are not in the right state." She glanced over her shoulder to see the two hugging each other for comfort.

"We lost some members." Hoseok frowned. "Of course, they're not happy about that."

"I can understand how they're feeling." Grand Warlock horribly reminisced about the head of his wife. "But Nemo did say he'll use them to see you, so they are safe for the time being."

Amethyst scoffed, "Damn, right he will see me beca—"

"You are not going to see them," Seokjin ordered.

"What, why?" The witch complained. "I told you everything that happened, I am strong enough!"

"You are and I'm so proud and happy for you, honey, but it'll only be you four versus the goblins. Half of you don't even have powers." He explained. "If you rescue them, you can be killed and you know I don't want that. I already put you in this danger."

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