30. Nymph Freak

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Though accumulating five Wonders is a very big deal and only a hundred witches held this amount of power, Amethyst still felt weak-minded about herself as a witch.

After everything she's been through, she still didn't have faith despite her determination. She wanted to prove her worth but even then she continued to question it.

A very conflicted witch but remind you, she thought very lowly about herself. It was like a seesaw; she went back and forth feeling like a big bad witch and meaningless one with the title.

I mean she was almost captured by the goblins, so it could be her trauma talking.

Despite having these gifts, she had an internal battle on why she isn't feeling superior to she thought she would when she was younger. Having powers equaled to more strength and might, but how she felt begged to differ.

Did these abilities really shape her into becoming a good enough witch? Were they even worth the anxiety and trouble?

The Wonders she obtained came when she least expected it, but now it was like she had to force it out of her.

Divination is a common Wonder among witches but it takes a lot of effort to officially list it down as one of your powers. It takes concentration, acting calm by thyself, painting a picture in the mind to conclude a specific location to your finding.

Ami was none of that.

She was stressed, her mind was all over the place, and impatient. She didn't know where to start.

"Human, you can't force out a Wonder." Hoseok sneered at Jungkook. "It comes with practice and if it's innate in her, it'll come out when it wants to."

"So powers are like raccoons?" Jungkook wondered.

"What?" Yoongi complained.

"Yeah, they come out like they're hungry or if they want to." The player nodded.

Everyone stared at him without blinking. Jungkook hummed a small tune, acting as if he said nothing wrong.

Amethyst shook her head and replied, "It is rather hard to do such a thing. I am not prepared."

"No one really is! But they just do it." The player encouraged. "A wise one once said, we just got to believe!"

Yoongi squinted his droopy eyes at the boy, "Are you quoting Spongebob?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Jungkook shrugged.

"How do you suppose we do that?" Hoseok questioned.

"I have an idea!" The player beamed a bright adorable smile.


"This is a stupid idea," Amethyst replied once Jungkook said his instructions.

They sat in a circle on the grass with their legs crisscrossed. Hoseok gathered random rocks and twigs in a cup for Jungkook to help them practice off of.

The purpose of Divination was to use those miscellaneous materials like pebbles, knives, crabs, dildos, shit like that to find the objects, people, or locations upon request.

But Jungkook's plan was to basically find his belongings that he lost back in the Coven. If it doesn't work, find some berries in the forest because dumbass was hungry.

"Cockhead, Hoseok and I have been practicing this for ages, longer than you lived," Ami announced on behalf of her best friend too. "We most likely do not have this Wonder even if we tried."

"Come on, I know either you or road ass can do it." Jungkook reasoned as he bounced while sitting. "Like you said, it takes practice."

"Yes, practice but also you can't get the power out of you." Hoseok pointed out. "Wonders vary with the individual like how I have four or Ami has five."

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