13. Father Tae is in Charge

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Ami explained who Taehyung was to the group and what he does. He was her guardian and Warlock in Command, making him one of the strongest behind her father. As her guardian, he astro projects from Wennale to visit every now and then to check up on her.

He's been loyal to her and her father since he was young and thought of Ami as his little sister. He grew up with her even before he became Warlock in Command, developing a close sibling bond.

The group invited him out at night to eat and drink to know the warlock a bit better. The men seemed to be fond of the full-blooded warlock, including Jungkook who was relieved that he wasn't dating the witch.

Yoongi grilled the meat and Namjoon poured the drinks. Ami and Jungkook argued about him touching her during their meal. Jimin talked to Taehyung the most as they seemed to get along more than the rest.

"Taehyung, so you have powers too? What's it like in Wennale?" Jimin bombarded the warlock with questions.

"Have you not asked Ami these questions?" Taehyung laughed as he sipped his drink.

"We do, but she gets angry and threatens to burn us..."

"Typical witch." The warlock rolled his eyes before answering. "I do have powers, five out of seven; Divination, Transmutation, Concilium, Telekinesis, and Descensum."

"Can you show us?" Jimin's eyes twinkled.

Taehyung nodded casually, "Of course." He rolled up the sleeves of his brown dress shirt as he prepared to work his magic. "Hmmm, I think I know which one to do."

He eyed one of the waitresses in the restaurant as they were bussing tables around the group. As she moved tables, Taehyung called her out.

"Excuse, Miss?" He raised his hand.

The waitress turned around and attended to him, "How may I help you, sir?"

"I wanted to know what are the specials tonight?" He asked her. He glanced back at them to see they were observing him.

"Well, we have the oxtail soup, squid and pork belly barbecue sticks, bird's nest noo—"

"Are you on the specials?" Taehyung flirted.

The waitress blushed at his question. She began to stumble with her words, "Um, sir, I do think—don't think th-that was appro—"

His eyes darkened as he gazed deeply into her eyes. "Call me Daddy." He ordered lowly.

"Excus—" The waitress stopped with eyes wide open. "Daddy." She felt the need to do as he said. All but Ami's mouths parted in awe.

"Princess, don't you think it's a little rude to insult me like that in public?" The guardian clicked his tongue as he leaned back into his seat for comfort.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy." The waitress kept her attention to Taehyung.

"Good girl," Taehyung smirked. "Please get us some more meat, preferably pork belly and brisket."

She nodded to his command, "Yes, Daddy."

"Thank you, Princess." He replied before she rushed to the back of the kitchen. Taehyung turned back to the group with a satisfied smile and an ego boost as he sipped on his drink.

"That was cool!" Jimin gasped at him. "That was concilium, right? She basically did what you said against her will."

"Indeed it was." The guardian nodded.

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