17. Chinese Dinner Aftermath

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"It's not funny, you assholes!" Jungkook threw the cushion pillows at his friends who were dying on the floor of laughter.

He told them what happened between him and Amethyst from the PB&J spell to her name to the dancing and finally to the kiss that never happened.

"JK, it's pretty funny." Jimin laughed as he held his stomach. "Forgive me father for judging my dear friend!"

"My bowel movements aren't funny!" The hopeless romantic pouted.

"You literally almost shat in your pants!" Namjoon lets out hefty laughs. "I told you not to go overboard with the banana milk. It upsets your stomach."

"Yeah, yeah..." Jungkook muttered. "But will I listen? No."

"Yeah, you don't. You never did." The smartest one retorted. "Now look at you. Over a hundred girls later and still a complete idiot with no stable relationship, fawning over a million-year-old witch that burns you within a two-meter radius."

As the laughter died down, Jungkook's stomach instantly grumbled, the noise reaching everyone's ears. He hasn't eaten since thirty minutes ago. He needed nutrients as he was a growing boy.

"Hyung, I'm starving. You have any food?" The player asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too," Namjoon said, sitting on the couch.

"Lemme check." Jimin stood up and walked over to his fridge. "I got a can of orange Fanta and cream cheese!" He yelled over before closing the door and walking back to the living room.

"Why do you have cream cheese? I never seen you eat a bagel." Jungkook questioned.

"Uhh, you don't need to know."

"Why do you never have food?" Namjoon complained. "You always have guests aka us here?"

"Hey, I'm a broke ass college student. Do you think I have the time and money to get food?" Jimin was about to throw some hands. "Why don't you asses go to your own house and eat?"

"Dad be always making hot vegetable soup." Namjoon sighed at the thought. "It's summer and my family eats hot ass cauliflower soup. I don't want that!"

"My mom is going through this phase making other foreign foods. She's into Norwegian food. She made smalahove and lutefisk for the past week."

"The fuck is that?" The eldest questioned.

"I don't fucking know and I do not want any more of that beepy boopy shit." Jungkook shivered. "I'm craving Chinese food. Let's get that! I'll pay."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that!" Jimin cheered, raising his fists up.

"Sure, I'm down." Namjoon nodded. "Free food equals Happy Joon."

The hopeless romantic then gasped, "Let's invite, Ami!"


"Fuck off," Ami said. She was about to close the door on them but Jungkook put his foot in between the door and frame.

They held their large box of Chinese food and excitedly asked her if she wanted to join in.

Since she grew okay with their presence, she wouldn't mind but she was in her moods again.

For the past few days, she's been getting painful headaches and she didn't understand why. She called her father and Taehyung, but they didn't know what the cause of it was either. Her health and body were fine and her brain functions were stable. They gave her an industrial-strength healing potion but that didn't ease the severity of her condition.

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