14. Jungkook Must LOVE Noonas

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The next morning, Taehyung left to go back to Wennale. As weeks went on, the group went on with their lifestyles.

But within those weeks, Jungkook realized some things.

The first is that his mom ends their calls before he can say I love you.

The second is how Jimin always sneaks religious pamphlets in his backpack.

The third and final thing is that he doesn't know much about Ami.

Though Jungkook tells her everything, his feelings, his past, and his thoughts, and on occasion, she didn't bother to listen, Ami never reciprocated this back.

Jungkook was an open book, but she was a safe with a two-hundred digit code.

He couldn't get anything out of her, but he knew that she kept something to herself. He observed how anxious she gets when her powers are mentioned or how she gets angry when either of his Hyungs asks her to show her magic. He wanted to know what was wrong but had a difficult time doing so when Ami screams and burns time every single time.

He also wondered why she didn't like him back. He made it pretty obvious how much he adored her. He flirted, showered her with affection and little gifts, and even had a cute pet name for her.

He did everything a second lead male character would do to the main girl character.

He couldn't act like the male lead since Ami wouldn't care if he was mean to her. If anything, the witch will fight back and that scared him.

Maybe he needed to be patient with her until she was comfortable enough to tell him anything.

Being a bothersome pest, he was across from her as they sat at her kitchen counter. She studied her spells and took notes while Jungkook gawked at her.

Her visuals were immaculate and absolutely breathtaking. Her long jet-black hair fell down to her back, her full lashes fluttered every time she blinked, the tip of her nose looked kissable, and her lips were like a pretty pink pillow. He had never seen such perfection in one being before. He didn't think he'd fall harder but he did.

"Must you stare like a fool?" Ami looked up, focusing on the hopeless romantic before her.

"Ami, why do you hate me?" Jungkook pushed his fists into his cheeks. "I remembered you said you hated me the minute you saw me."

"Why is this the subject of conversation?" Ami sighed. "Cockhead, I need to pay attention to my st—"

"I wanna be more than friends." He whined.

The young witch snorted, "What do you want us to be, super friends?

"You know I like like you and I wanna be with you." The player continued. "I know you don't like me like that but why do you hate me?"

Her face softened at his sadden expression. He genuinely thought she hated him despite the 'subtle hints' she gave off. Ami knew she was being a bit harsh but it was for the best.

However, she did feel guilty and took advantage of his kindness. He's done nothing but be loyal and caring with the exception of touching her whenever he wanted to.

"I said those words out of anger and I apologize. I do not hate you, Jungkook, but you do get on my nerves." She sighed. "You are quite the leech but I just—I do not understand these—Are you crying?"

Indeed he was. He bawled like a little bitch once Ami told him she didn't hate him. He felt alleviated and was grateful to be on her good side. His emotions got the best of him, but it was okay. It was okay to show vulnerability to those you loved. He had a chance with her, it could still happen.

"These are happy tears, Ami." Jungkook sniffed as he flicked his tears away. "But why won't you date me?"

Okay, he's not the type for baby steps. He said full send.

"I do not date younger guys." Ami rolled her eyes, going back to her studies. "Especially not mortals. I will simply outlive you, which sounds rather depressing."

"You look my age, if not, younger than me!" The player whined. But he didn't understand the aging process of a witch.

"It is the fine slow aging of witch's blood and my genes." She smirked. "Trust me, Cockhead. I am older than you."

"Well, I'm 22. It can't be that bad. I like Noonas anyway. I'm quite mature for my a—"

"I am 1956 years old." She said casually as she flipped through her book.

"Holy shit, you're old!"

He couldn't believe she was that old. Yeah, he liked older women but there was an extent to his interest.

Though age begged to differ, her appearance was quite youthful and fresh. She had an innocent charm that lured young men including Jungkook to obey her command. Though Taehyung mentioned how young she was (maybe in his opinion), but now it made him wonder how old he was too.

"It is common for witches and warlocks to appear younger than they actually are. We are immortal." Ami explained. "But I am still quite young for a witch. I guess I am equivalent to 19 as a human?"

Jungkook hummed in understanding but his trap of a mouth spoke, "So that means I'm older than you and that makes me your Oppa?"

"Yes, but I refuse to call you that." The young witch replied. "I learned about human's bizarre desires and that being one of them."

"You know a lot about humans..." Jungkook smirked.

"Well, I had to do research before arriving on Earth." She nodded.

"Shouldn't it reciprocate back then?" The hopeless romantic asked.

"What in wicked's sake are you talking about?"

"Ami, I don't know who you are." He pointed out. "I don't know your thoughts, your emotions, your past..."

The witch's head snapped back up as she stared intently at him. She didn't like where this was going. "Why must this concern you? I told you to stop that!"

"I told you I care a lot about you." Jungkook reasoned. "We've been hanging out for the past three months and I barely found out about your age. Like you tell us to call you Ami, but is it your real name? Why don't you like talking about your powers? Why do you get shaken by it? Why won't you let me know? Why don't you like me back?"

"Get out!" She yelled. She burst her candles and stove to flames in spite of her fury. She leered at the human while the crackling sounds of the fire played subtly behind the scene.

Ami hated the confrontation she was getting. Jungkook shoved it down her throat all at once and she couldn't handle it. It overwhelmed the witch to greatness, it churned her stomach. She hated the feeling and was not in the right mind to tell him.


This is a short chapter but I'll update once more this week :)

Also thank you to 500 reads omg many loves!!!

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