7. It's the Wicked

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You know that feeling where everyone told that one person to not do something or else they'll die? Then that dumb bitch didn't care and did it anyway and now they're scared shitless when they faced their death?

Yeah, that dumb bitch was Jungkook.

He was gonna die right then and there. Not by a car, not by a gang or mafia, but by a 167 cm girl weighing on 52 kg with a phallic-like stick ready to shoot out a fucking laser.

She looked so wicked yet not evil in a way. The corner of her lips twitched as she glared with all her might to scare him, which worked for only 43%.

The other 57% he was actually turned on by the way she looked.

"I am gonna kill you." She growled before waving her wand to chant something. "Against his own will, I shall k—"

"Please don't kill me!" The player cried out, clasping his hands in a plea. "I didn't do anything except breaking and entering your apartment."

She pulled down her wand and scoffed, "You know too much and you must be eliminated! So shut the fuck up and let me—"

"Have mercy on me, Mina!" He dropped down to his knees and pressed his palms together. "Don't you care about me like the way I care about you?"

"No." She retorted. "I absolutely do not care about you. Now let me kill you!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

At the end of her sentence, the fire pits sparked brightly which grabbed the attention of the girl. Jungkook whined in fear but she didn't give a single fuck about him right now as she walked towards one of the pits.

"It cannot be. Is this the truth?" She whispered to herself as she squatted down. She peered at the black ash in the pit, waiting for something to happen again. With ease, a fire erupted before her. She smiled in satisfaction as she stood up. "Three down."

"What's going on?" Jungkook frowned, catching her dark eyes. She rolled them in annoyance as she pushed past him, going to her living room. Confused and wondering if she will actually kill him, he trailed behind her. "Mina, wh—"

"You sit!" She commanded.

Startled, the boy sat properly on the couch with legs crossed and spine straight until she said otherwise. She pulled her phone out and dialed someone. The line rang for a couple of seconds until the other end answered.

"Come now."


They waited for Mina's guest to come. She stared with anger at the boy while he stared back with fear and love in his eyes. She felt puzzled as to why he's been that way with her since the moment they met, but it was probably a dumb human thing that she never learned about.

Someone knocked on the door, grabbing the two's attention. After Mina threatened Jungkook to stay still, she opened the door to reveal Yoongi. He walked casually and grabbed a bag of chips in her cabinets like he knew where it was. He opened the bag and ate quietly.

"What's up?" Yoongi asked.

"I learned pyro!" The girl replied. "I found out with my fire pits."

The loner gasped, "Oh, my God. That's great! I'm proud."

He sat on one of her high-rise kitchen stools for more comfort. He then realized that she wasn't alone as his eyes found the hopeless romantic's.

"Why's he here?" Yoongi asked.

"He knows."

"He knows?"

"He knows." She nodded. "He invaded my apartment and entered my study room, so he needs to die." Her wand began activating as it blinked the lilac hue again. She pointed her device towards the player's direction which only made his eyes bigger.

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