8. Making Deals with Buttercup

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Ami explained her story to the men among her. They were all hopeless and unknowing to her situation. The trio didn't want to make any more theories because they were gonna be wrong in the end. Though Yoongi knew she was in hiding, he didn't know specifically why she came to Earth.

"I am from Wennale, the witch realm. It is also the center to access all creatures and their own realms. I am here on Earth because I am in hiding."

"You see, goblins from Trinivia are trying to take over Wennale simply because they want the power us witches have. My father is the Grand Warlock, he is the strongest among all witches and this is where I come in."

"The goblins are coming after me as a threat for father to give up his position and people. But not only that, they are also after the Welic wand." She tapped on her choker's gem and out came a pure pearl white wand encrusted with crystals. "It is the most powerful wand in the entire mythical world. Father told me to guard it as I am the one they would least expect to hold such power." She pushed back the wand into the gem and it was gone within seconds, the gem sparkled.

"Father did not think it was a good idea to leave me alone but I convinced him that I can show my independence and how responsible I am. I was rather lonely but luckily I found some of my good people." She grinned at Yoongi as he nodded.

Jungkook's eye twitched in annoyance.

"I rarely have contact with my father as it could interfere with my safety. He has been living in worry but I reassured him to not fear. But that was before Cockhead broke into my apartment." Ami ended her explanation. She refused to say more.

The men nodded, not really knowing what to say to the girl. However, they felt remorse since she left everything behind to be protected. They didn't realize how much she was going through and the pressure she had as a witch.

"Of all places, why did you come to Earth?" Jungkook asked. "Not saying it was a bad decision because you found me, but why here?"

She eyed him out in revulsion. She replied very hastily, "Because no witch or goblin would ever think to go to a world ruled by stupid humans." She stood up from her seat before seizing back her wand from Yoongi. "Despite being enemies, we agree that we hate humans." She pointed her glowing wand at them, only to frighten them.

She loved seeing them scared shitless.

"W—why? We did nothing wrong." Jimin squeaked.

"Typical human answer." She chuckled harshly as she rolled her bitter eyes. "Humans depict witches as ugly, evil, green, and have horrendous laughs." She passed by them, waving her wand around. "I am beautiful for wicked's sake and my laugh is music to everyone's ears!"

"But you look like us..." Namjoon softly spoke.

"And so? I for one am still a witch; I'm stronger and powerful than you which makes me much more charming and gorgeous." She snapped back. Damn, her shoulders are high as mountains right now.

But she was right. The men can all agree without questioning that Ami was a beautiful witch.

"I decided I will not kill anyone here." She said as she placed her wand back into her choker's gem. "But let us get one thing clear." She set her right hand ablaze as she leaned closer to them. "You keep your damn mouths shut about this or else I will kill you faster than you cum."

Frightened, Jimin and Namjoon nodded rapidly. Jungkook, on the other hand, seemed to find a new light.

He was getting to know Ami clearer now. He was honored that she trusted him enough to keep this big of a secret. It made him fall for her even more. Being a witch didn't matter to him at all. It just made her very unique in his eyes. This is the longest he's ever been attracted to a girl. She was gonna last.

He knew it was gonna work.

With newfound confidence, Jungkook stood from his seat, shocking those around him as he placed his hands on the witch's shoulders.

Ami raised a brow at the dumb player as he curved the edges of his mouth. "We'll only keep it a secret if..."

"Excuse me, if?" She scoffed as she pushed his arms off of her. Her true nature was staggeringly different from what she portrayed previously. Only Yoongi grew fond of her grim aura, Namjoon and Jimin wanted her fake persona back, while Jungkook was blinded by love to see her negative energy. "There are no ifs because you will do as I say, when I say, and how I say before I shove a skull head up your dick hole."

"Kinky, Buttercup," Jungkook smirked.

"I knew I would hate you the minute you opened your damn mouth at me," Ami growled. "You have been a pest since the beginning, Cockhead."

The youngest boy continued, "We'll keep it a secret if...you hang out with my friend and most importantly me."

Namjoon commented, "No, no. It's okay. We don't wa—"

"You really think I will accept that offer. I just learned pyrokinesis. I can burn your ass right here, right now." She burned her hands as a threat but Jungkook didn't seem fazed at all. He gave her his knee-weakening smile paired with his sparkling large eyes.

"Spend some time with me and our mouths will be shut, Buttercup."

She cringed at every word that shat out of his mouth. Oh, how she wanted to kill him but knew her father and guardian would get mad at her for not controlling her temper. 

"You annoying Cockhead. Fine!" She agreed on much to everyone's dismay. "But only if Yoongi can be there as well." She didn't wanna go down alone.

Yoongi choked from his spit. He stood up and protested, "Uhh, I think the fuck no—"

Ami turned her head and glared deeply into the boy's soul. Though they were both witches, he knew she was stronger by blood. 

"F-fine." He accepted the request.

"Yay!" Jungkook cheered as he hugged Ami in surprise. She pushed him away once more and groaned in disgust.

His friends looked at him as if he was a lunatic. Wasn't he threatened on the verge of death ten minutes ago? Did Jungkook really convince a witch to hang out with them to keep her secret? And she agreed? They knew how head over heels he was for the girl, but damn, the head really do be over the heels.

"Buttercup, do you have honey buns?" He asked out of nowhere.

"I beg your pardon, what is that?" Ami questioned.

"Honey buns. The treat." His eyes twinkled in excitement. "They're really deli—"

"Fuck off and buy your own food!"

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