22. Fiery Kiss

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A little bit of mature, but nothing too extreme...for now.


Amethyst stayed outside on the porch swing, gazing at the moon on this cool summer night. She wanted to get away from the men and be by herself. Too many men putting their input on her life, she wanted them to shut up.

She calmed down and reflected on what happened. Though she knew she was weak, she still thought she was capable of handling these goblins.

These goblins were different. Sure, they were larger, had supernatural strength, and actually attractive despite what humans thought, but she knew if she'd work her powers correctly, she'd destroy them all in a heartbeat.

But alas, Seokjin and Taehyung said otherwise. It's been like this since her mother died. They feared that Nemo would use her as a threat just like how they did with her mother.

They wanted to keep her safe, regardless of her powers or magic. She was an important part of their lives. After all, Amethyst was Seokjin's daughter and was like a sister to Taehyung.


Her heart fluttered as she heard his soothing voice. She hated how he could easily affect her in such a way. She didn't think he would get so close to her despite repelling away. But she didn't realize...

It was the Jeon Jungkook.

"Why are you in my atmosphere? I do not want to smell your potent cologne." She said as she stared at the clear night sky.

"I just wanted to check up on you." He replied, sitting beside her. She felt the swing carrying more weight as he swung them. "Seems like you've calmed down."

"Yes, but I do not want to talk to any of you right now."

"I know you're angry as well..."

"Wow, you know?" She spoke in sarcasm.

He spoke, "They're technically right. But—"

"Please, no." She said softly as she shook her head. "I do not need anyone to explain to me why. I always know the answer."

"Then lemme ask this..." Jungkook began. Her eyes met his. Though his eyes were dark, she could see them shine in the subtle moonlight. "Why'd you say that if you knew the answer?"

She broke their contact as it went down to her lap. A frown appeared on her face before she said, "I thought this could be a chance for me to, I do not know, show that I can do things without them. I have gotten stronger during my time on Earth, so I feel like I am capable of doing something like this."

"This, as in killing an entire army of goblins with a leader named Nemo?"

She nodded, "Well, yeah. I can feel something in me, for me to prove my worth as a witch. I may only have the four Wonders but I have magic by my side. Goblins are not immune like the trolls."

Jungkook continued to listen as she expressed her thoughts, "I did not need Taehyung or my father when those trolls attacked, so why should I need them with these Goblins?"

"They're probably worried for you." The hopeless romantic responded. "I overheard you guys talking when I had my French fries frenzy."

"What did you hear?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Whether you had one gift or all, you're still his daughter. He wants to keep you safe and sound." He explained. "He looks worried for you all the time."

"I have never left Wennale before I went to Earth, so he is just skeptical." She rolled her eyes, smirking. "He also worries how often I surround myself around men too."

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