3. Neighbor's Jar

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"Ugh, Hyung. I'm so upset!" Jungkook whined as he kicked his legs up in the air like the big ass baby that he is.

Once everyone was fully sober, the youngest ranted on about Mina, Yoongi, and how they were together the rest of the night.

Mina came back and handed him the water that she promised, but had told him that she had to leave. As she walked out, the boy noticed her leaving with Yoongi.

He never felt this much jealousy before. Besides love, Jungkook always got what he wanted. He was able to sweet talk and use his body into getting things. From free unlimited samples at the market to getting A's on his history projects.

He just couldn't understand how Min Yoongi got the girl of his so-called dreams.

"Can you not yell?" Jimin groaned as he recovered from his hangover. "It's three in the afternoon. I already missed morning service, I need to go to the evening service to make it up."

Somehow they all managed to reach Jimin's apartment at five in the morning to sleep and die from alcohol only to wake up in the afternoon. Like a child, Jungkook woke Jimin up to talk about his emotions.

Meanwhile, Namjoon slept on his stomach like a brick on the floor.

"Hyung, I'm serious." The boy pouted and sunk into the couch.

"I know you are, but what can you do?" Jimin sighed. "You need to grant her wish since she went to the party. You didn't specify that she had to go to the party and spend it with you."

"I thought it was implied..."

"No person will know unless you tell them." The older sighed. "I know you like Mina, but get over her. Like I said, you can't force love. Love comes to you."

"So you want me to just die alone?"

"That's not what I meant." Jimin rolled his eyes. "It's a good thing Mina ended things before it even started. Isn't it nice to finally have a girl that's a friend for once?"

"No, it's either I want a wife or I die alone. I have no time for friends that are girls."

"Oh my gosh." Jimin exhaled before pressing his palms together and bringing it closer to his face. "Lord, please give me the strength not to bitch slap my friend." He eventually calmed down and turned to the boy. "Baby steps, Jungkook. Don't full send without thinking about the consequences. I don't know if Mina likes you or not, probably not because you've only known her for two weeks, but these things take time. Slow your roll. You don't need to find your significant other yet."

Jungkook knew Jimin was right. He just didn't like the sound of that. He wanted to find his significant other immediately. His parents met at his age and they got married two years after.

Meanwhile, he had 147 relationships and they all ended with the girl running away.

He pushed himself into a time crunch, feeling like he's slowly decaying every second he didn't find the love of his life.

"And if your theory that Mina is forcing herself to distant you because she likes you and your delusional mind, then give her time," Jimin concluded as he got up from the couch. "Now I need to get ready for church because I have to practice before service. You can stay here until I come back or get out. I already know Namjoon Hyung will be here until I get back." He walked over his older's lifeless-like body and headed down to his bathroom.

In the meantime with Namjoon's snoring in the background, Jungkook wondered what he could do to get closer to Mina while respecting her boundaries. He genuinely does like her. I mean what's not to like about her. She was a complete mystery and he knew very little.

The way she showcased herself, her unique flare, her aura, it was just so captivating to his eye that he wanted to understand more of it. He wanted to swim into the unknown and overcome any obstacle that came his way. She was a challenge.

A challenge that he wanted to accept if she'd let him.

Jungkook decided to leave his friend's apartment before he got out of the shower. But the main reason was that his mom wondered where he was and told her he was coming home while being in a panic.

Once he opened the apartment door, he was met by the person he wanted to see the most.

Like an enchantress, he was put under a spell with her chocolate-covered eyes. They twinkled under the lights while her long silky lashes fluttered as she stared back at the confused boy.

"Jungkook?" She waved her hand in front of the boy, hoping he'll snap out of his trance.

He came back into reality and saw her lovely face before speaking, "Ah, sorry. I'm sorry."

She only blinked in confusion and waited for him to talk once more. "I was just—what are you doing here?"

"I live right here." She pointed to the door behind her before she closed it.

She lived right across from Jimin's.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Jimin Hyung lives here. I slept over." He smiled. "As a matter of fact, we spend a lot of our time here."

"O-o-oh! That is marvelous." She spoke in glee to cover up the disappointment in her face. Jungkook didn't seem to care because his heart fluttered when he heard her positive words. "Seems that my eyes will see more of you than I imagine."

"Looks like it." He smirked.

He watched her as she threw her crossbody bag over her chest and shoved her keys into a pocket.

Unknowingly to them, something dropped out of her bag and made a thud sound.

"Well, I better get going." She smiled. "What is that phrase...see you later?"

"Of course." He nodded eagerly.

She inhaled and waved goodbye before walking away from him at a fast pace. He found her so adorable in every way possible. He couldn't believe she was real. He looked down at the ground to cover the smile on his face.

This was his chance to get closer to her.

He wanted to cheer and shout and surprisingly thank God for giving him this opportunity. But of course, he wasn't gonna tell Jimin or else the older will push him into coming to those youth services.

Before he celebrated, he noticed a small clear jar on the ground.

It must have been hers and accidentally dropped it. She was already out of sight, so he assumed to give it to her later.

Then he thought to himself that this was another opportunity to talk to her.

Jungkook squealed like a maniac as he happily snatched the jar from the ground. He was about to dance when he took a good look at it.

The pieces inside the jar rattled with every movement he made. They sounded like beads in those shakers.

He peered closely through the clear glass. They were white-colored with a tint of yellow and were in different shapes and sizes. Some were pointed at the end while others were flat. He only grew confused as he analyzed more into it.

Suddenly his heart dropped. His face grew pale the second he detected what was inside.

The crown, the molars, the dried up blood on some, and remnants of gums stuck to it.

Mina had a jar of teeth.


Yes, what you're reading is correct. Jar of teeth. What do you think?

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