44. Letting Go

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A week passed and the group, with Seokjin and Taehyung being back, decided to eat fast food and have a picnic in the nearby park.

The cool summer breeze grazed their hair and face as the beaming sun peeked through the leaves and branches of the tree they were under. Fields of vibrant grass smeared through the estate. Sounds of laughter and conversation echoed around the vicinity.

After eating, the boys decided to play footvolley or attempted to since most of them didn't really know what to do. While they kept kicking the volleyball out of the court, Amethyst sat in silence on a bench, meekly watching but mainly thinking about her final decision.

Over the course of the week, she realized when thinking of her choices, she thought about others rather than herself. She shouldn't think about what will happen and how it'll affect people. She thought about how Jungkook would want or how her father might want but never about what she wanted.

Even with all these opportunities, did she really want them as she continues on being the witch she's become? What did Amethyst want in her life? Remember she won't regret the decisions but will she be content?


A voice ripped her away from her thoughts. She turned to the side to see her father sitting beside her as he too watched the others fail at their activity.

"I noticed you were thinking alone here and not playing." Seokjin pointed out. "Does this have to do with your decision?"

"Obviously, father. You know how I am." She smiled softly as she fiddled with her fingers.

"So what are you gonna choose? Have you decided?" Those simple questions that she feared the most was finally brought into light.

She bit into the inside of her mouth when she met her father's eyes. Before she said her decision, she wanted to ask some questions about how she felt about all of this.

"What if I do not wanna be the Supreme?"

"What do you mean?" Seokjin asked. "Does that mean you aren't gonna be the Supreme?"

"I did not say that." She shook her head. "But I just thought... when growing up, I needed to become just like you to feel powerful and strong."

"Aww, honey. Your compliments make me blush." Seokjin blushed as his ears turned red.

"I looked up to you and Taehyung to become the best witch I can be," Amethyst explained. "I did not tell you this but I honestly felt hopeless and weak before. I did not have enough Wonders, my magic was below average, I was surrounded by greatness and...I was nothing."

"Honey, you know you aren't." Seokjin disagreed as he took her hands into his. "You were never nothing."

"I know now. It took a lot but I am content with myself as an individual and as a witch of Wennale. I know I am powerful, confident, committed, all those traits as a witch, and a potential leader." She grinned as she glanced away before her eyes averted back at the attentive Grand Warlock. "And I know that without the title. I was strong before I had all my powers. I am strong enough to protect Wennale."

Seokjin looked at his daughter with so much proudness. Amethyst has grown so much over the past months. Though she still kept her persistence and anger, she learned about what it truly meant to be a witch and what it meant to be a leader for Wennale.

"Before you tell me your decision, can I tell you something?" Seokjin asked with a smug expression on his face.


"I lied."

Ami was perplexed. What did he mean when he said he lied?

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

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