0. Oh My, My, My

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"Oh, come on, baby. Don't be like that." Jeon Jungkook called out as he slowly trailed behind his distraught catch of the week.

"I-I'm sorry, Jungkook..." She halted and turned her head to eye out the doe-eyed handsome devil. "I just can't be with you anymore. You're too much!" With that, she ran out of the university and was completely out of his sight while he stared towards her direction.

Jungkook's aura saddened.

His heart ached from the surprising breakup that came out of nowhere. He thought this relationship was finally going to last forever.

Obviously, this wasn't the case.

Students around him passed by him and listened to the scene that just happened, yet acted like it was nothing new.

I mean it occurred more than you could ever imagine on this campus, especially with him.

Jungkook sighed as his watch beeped to notify his afternoon class was about to start. He turned himself around to walk back inside one of the campus buildings.

As he opened the entranceway, he pushed himself out of the way for a group of girls to walk out before him.

The girls stared in awe at the scrumptious man as they passed by. Before they could go on with their day, he winked and smirked at their direction. They squealed as he walked into the building, feeling proud that he still had his touch.

His aura brightened.

Okay, so like I know what you're thinking.

Jeon Jungkook is a player?!?! Typical.

Well, yes...but it's half true.

Though every person in the entire university thought of him as a player, he and his friends begged to differ.

You see here...Jungkook was in love with love. He was a hopeless romantic. Growing up, he enjoyed watching those romantic movies where the nice guy gets the girl or the bad boy changes and falls in love with the nerd girl or the angsty teenagers with trauma fall for each other, all that stuff.

He looked up at his parents' love and relationship. He was amazed by how much a person can love another person. How much emotions a person can invest in an entire being. How it felt to be wanted, to be needed, to feel like he belonged.

He wanted that.

Of course, he didn't exactly plan it through and fell for any girl that came his way.

It's been like this all through his life.

He thought that every girl he came across was the one. The one for him. Yet, the relationship always ended badly and the girls broke it off.

Why you might ask?

Despite always getting the girls, Jungkook was too clingy, jealous, and smothered them. He'd whine if they didn't text or call him back. He'd give the silent treatment if he found them talking to a guy he didn't know. He'd get upset when they forgot their 72-hour anniversary.

He celebrated that because the relationships never lasted a week.

Others may think he's a bold and reckless player, but deep inside he was a sensitive, caring, and on occasion, a dimwitted guy.

Sometimes, girls found it difficult to break up with him because he was too sweet but never realized how excessive he was.

There was one instance where a girl didn't want to be with him anymore so she lied that she got an STD from a llama.

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