Epilogue: Mystery Girl

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Three Years Later...

Finally done for the week, Jungkook lets out a sigh as he stepped out of the law firm. He's been working miraculously on his case files, finishing the final paperwork on one of them once he pressed enter to submit.

The day was winding down as dimming lights weren't reflecting off the glass of the high towering buildings. The orange in the sunlight ripens through the sky while the navy hues were tiptoeing their way in.

Jungkook walked to the parking structure and into his car. He checked the time and noticed that he was surprisingly early for his scheduled friendship time with his Hyungs. He merely shrugged and thought might as well get a head start to the cafe.

Though all were extremely busy with their careers, he managed to keep in touch and talk to his Hyungs like when he was younger. Jungkook eventually became the Paralegal he strived to be. Jimin became a sound engineer during the weekdays and an official youth pastor on the weekends. Namjoon shocked everyone when he became a chef and got offered a position at one of the finest restaurants in the city. Yoongi recently finished medical school and was in his residency.

Busy, busy, busy, hardworking men but their love for one another made time to see each other at least every week. They had an active group chat and always sent good morning, good night, flirting, and "dick appointment" texts. Their lives went on, earned money, paid for loans, found a few girlfriends here and there, yeah it was pretty normal.

Okay, cue their time at the cafe.

"Can't believe I pushed youth nights to Saturdays for you guys!" Jimin said as he sipped his coffee.

"Your time with God is eternal but your time with us is limited," Yoongi said as he bit into his cheese danish.

"Wow, that was smooth." Namjoon snorted, sipping on his iced coffee.

"It's the honest truth." Jungkook agreed, nodding towards the mutt. "Like my love for you."

"Oh shit! That was good." Yoongi smiled then high-fived Jungkook.

"But in all seriousness, Jimin, you'd happily do it again for us." The chef pointed out.

"Of course." Jimin had twinkles in his eyes. "So what did you do this week?"

"Nothing much. I sorted out the evidence on some scandal for some snobby rich people." Jungkook reported.

"Ooo, a scandal about what?" Namjoon wondered.

"It's like a private matter and under the table involving the son of a corporation." The hopeless romantic smacked his lips, knowing the inside scoop. He took a gulp of his iced tea and said, "I can't say the details...but they're juicy."

"Namjoon, what about you?" Yoongi asked, munching on his snack.

"My food went into the mouths of that famous group—what's their name again?" Namjoon thought quickly before announcing. "Bangtan! I got an autograph from the leader. He's pretty good looking but something about him seemed odd that I couldn't put my finger on..."

"Oh my God, you saw Bangtan?" Jimin gasped. "I'm jealous."

"Same here. They're so handsome and talented." Jungkook commented. "I wish I was them."

"How 'bout you, Hyung?" Jimin turned the silent eldest.

"I saw a live birth again." Yoongi shrugged. "Saw the blood, placenta, stretched out vagina, everything."

"Work is boring sometimes when you can only talk to machines." Jimin sighed. "But it's nice to be relieved of that once I get to my weekends."

"Okay, stop getting so sap about it." The mutt rolled his eyes. "Do you want me to use magic so the machine can talk to you?"

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