4. Code Help

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It was close to midnight and Jungkook inspected the jar discreetly.

Or at least attempted to because there were occasions where he tapped on the lid or accidentally knocked it over before screaming out of his room.

He just couldn't believe it. There was a jar of teeth on his desk in his room in his house owned by a girl who lived across his best friend that he was head over heels for.

He thought that they were fake and laughed at the high possibility of it. But then when he slightly opened it, he almost crapped himself.

He didn't know what to do. He couldn't handle this. He had so many questions on why the fuck Mina had this in her bag and why Mina. Why her? She was the sweetest, kindest person he has ever met. Why must she have that jar of teeth?

Was she in danger? Is somebody threatening her to keep a jar or else they'll kill her? Did he have to call the police? Will she be taken into the witness protection program?

Jungkook cracked and called the first people he could communicate with. The line rang until they answered.

"Emergency meeting! CODE HELP!" The youngest screamed into his phone.


The older two sat on Jimin's couch as they watched their youngest pace around the living room. He closed the windows, pulled the curtains together, opened and closed the fridge to retrieve an apple, and munched the fruit in fear.

"What the hell is going on, Jungkook?" Namjoon grumbled.

Jungkook shushed him with small chunks of the apple flying out of his mouth. "Be careful. She could hear you." He bit into the apple and shoved the remaining into his face hole. He threw the core away and swallowed his snack after slightly choking.

"Are you done eating the fucking apple?" Namjoon asked. The youngest nodded but not without panicking silently once again.

"Jungkook, what's the matter?" Jimin asked. "We never do a code help unless it's serious."

"The last time we had it was when Jimin panicked how he had premarital sex." Namjoon pointed out.

"That was serious, Hyung." The shorter frowned. "But I don't regret it. It was amazing."

"Guys, this is serious." The youngest began. He pulled the jar out of his hoodie pocket and placed it in front of his friends. "Look at it."

The two glanced at each other before Jimin grabbed a hold of the jar. "What is it?"

"A jar of teeth."

"Whoa!! Whoa!! Whoa!" Jimin and Namjoon gasped in unison before putting it back down on the table.

"A jar of teeth?" Namjoon questioned. "Why do you have it?"

"Don't worry, it's-it's not mine," Jungkook reassured.

"Then whose is it?"

"Ummm, well...you see—"

"Cut to the chase, Jungkook." Namjoon interrupted.

The boy gulped before quietly replying, "Mina."

The two on the couch's eyes were large like satellite dishes. They couldn't believe what they heard.

"Mina's?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded. The shorter one grabbed back the jar and carefully observed it. "Why would Mina even have this?"

"Really, Jimin? You're asking that?" Namjoon scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? She's a serial killer."

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