10. Seven Wonders

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Updated because I felt like it. Enjoy!!


"Why are we meeting your Halmeoni again?" Jungkook asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

The group arrived in front of Yoongi's grandmother's house to have dinner with her. Yoongi only wanted Ami to come, but his grandmother insisted the other humans come as well. Though he didn't like that idea, he agreed like a good grandson would.

"She wanted to meet you guys," Yoongi answered, closing his car door.

Everyone followed him to the entrance. The loner knocked on the door and waited until a small pale and frail woman opened it to greet the youth.

"Yooni!" His grandmother cried out and hugged her grandson.

"Hi, Halmeoni!" He shrieked in happiness, shocking the entire group.

This was a side of Yoongi that they've never seen before.

"Come in, come in!" The old lady motioned them.

The group took their shoes off before wandering inside the house. Each of their eyes explored the place, trying to see any witchcraft like Ami's. But at first glance, it seemed like a regular old person's house. They arrived at the dining room where plates of food were prepared for them. They all sat down and began eating (of course, Jimin blessed his meal).

"So Ami, you're a full blood witch?" Halmeoni Min asked the young witch.

Ami nodded, "I am and I know you are as well."

"And these are..." The old lady gazed over to the quiet men who were devouring their food.

"That's Jungkook, Jimin, and Namjoon." Yoongi pointed at each of them respectively. "The humans."

"And they all know about you two?"

"Yes, we told them before Ami tried to kill them." The loner replied.

After dinner and washing up, they moved over to the living room where they settled down drinking tea or coffee and being cozy in the old person's house.

"So Ami, Yoongi told me your father is the Grand Warlock and why you're here." Halmeoni pointed out and the young witch nodded. "It must have been hard for him to let you go like any father would to his daughter."

"My father and my guardian reprimanded it saying I am too young to be leaving because I have not obtained that much power nor do I have my wings."

"Wings?" Jimin questioned as he sipped his tea. "Don't you—"

"Flying broomstick and casting spells? Yeah, no. I know the spiel. Again, humans fantasize us incorrectly." Ami scoffed. "We do not use broomsticks, witches grow wings."

"Witches are able to cover their wings if they please and each pair of wings are different," Halmeoni added into the topic.

"As you can see, I have none." She pulled her hair up, revealing her bare back to them.

"I do see," Jungkook smirked as he grazed her back with his fingertips.

The young witch inhaled sharply before aggressively facing forward back at him, making him flinch. She grimaced at him, wiping that stupid smirk off his dumb face.

Ami eyed him out before continuing, "I am a late bloomer on my wings. It was supposed to come in ages ago but father told me not to worry."

"I remembered when I had my wings." Halmeoni reminisced.

"Remembered? Had?" The young witch furrowed her eyebrows.

"My wings had to be cut off during the Umbra era."

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