41. Last Attempt

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Morning came out and the birds chirped in the freshness of the damaged Wennale.

Warlocks, witches, and other magical creatures began repairing their realm into its normal and improved state. The noise of construction was heard kilometers across.

But no fucks were given in the mind of crying Amethyst as she held her dead love.

It's been minutes and Ami continued to bawl her lungs out. She didn't move her position and no one bothered to interrupt her. They understood her grief but also worried about her mental state. She lost three that she loved and struggled to overcome them. It only deteriorated her well-being.

"Amethyst..." Her father crouched down and rubbed her back.

"Daddy, please bring him back." The young witch begged, not taking her eyes off of Jungkook.

Knowing that he didn't have the power to do so, he forced himself to shake his head, "Honey, you know I ca—"

"Use a spell, fucking make a deal with uncle Lucifer, I do not care. Bring him back!" She snapped her head to Seokjin.

Seokjin's heart felt for her as he wanted to cry at her lost...well, everyone's lost. Her eyes burned from the amount of tears she produced. Her nose stuffed with mucus as she sniffed. He couldn't cry, he needed to be strong for her.

"Yoongi, bring your grandmother!" Her eyes gazed towards Yoongi.

The mutt bit his lip, afraid to answer the command that they obviously knew. "Ami, she won't come. Remember."

"No!" Amethyst screamed and a ring of fire sparkled around her and Jungkook's lifeless body, making everyone jump away from the scene.

"Jesus Christ, please protect me," Jimin muttered as he held onto Namjoon and he did the same back.

"There has to be a way." She cried as her face reddened and no tears seemed to stop. "Wait, let me do Vitalum Vitalis. I can do it! If Jungkook had so much faith in me, then I can get it to work."

They watched her desperately trying to obtain the last Wonder though they were reluctant. They didn't want her to get high hopes if it didn't work.

"Amet—" Taehyung was about to call out but Seokjin shushed him and shook his head.

The weeping witch placed Jungkook's head on the edge of her lap before wiping the snot and tears away. She then closed her eyes, trying to focus as much as possible. Her grief needed to be oppressed in order for the power to work.

Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate. A mantra echoed in her.

She tried so hard to stop her whimpering as she took deep breaths.

Focus Amethyst. Do this for your love.

She cleared her mind in search of the energy sphere. Oh, where are you? Please work. The darkness in her psyche illuminated as the ball appeared.

She was able to touch the energy and played around through her fingers. It vented warmth and great essence that she felt rejuvenated by the sight.

The sphere was brighter than before and rotated, casting sparkles in its surroundings.

Her head leaned and hover over Jungkook's sunken face. His thin lips parted when she gave a peck for good luck.

The witch inhaled and breathed life into his mouth. The energy diffused from within when she did so until it was gone.

Please work. Please please work.

Hesitantly, she freed her eyes to stare at the boy. He looked so frail, yet still beautiful as his lashes brushed down. His skin bruised and cut up, yet utter perfection. Though dead, her heart continued to skip a beat from her view.

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