We finished our ice cream and Logan was now walking me home. "Thanks for tonight," I said grabbing his arm. "It's not a problem. This is a lot better than what I was going to do tonight," Logan said with a sad chuckle. "And that was going to be what?" I asked looking up at him. Why the hell is he so tall? His jawline looks so good from this angle. Stop that! "I was going out to clear my head and figure out how to fix what I screwed up," He said and my eyes widened. "What do you mean 'screwed up?" I asked unlatching myself from his arm and looking up at him. "Well," He started and I urged him to continue. "Me and an a-uh friend got in an argument. They said something that I got all worked up about and I said a few things I regret. Now looking back they never deserved to hear what I said and what I got mad about was a little stupid. Now I'm trying to figure out how to apologize," He said looking down at his feet. Not saying he's perfect, but he's basically our golden boy at school and he is perfect to me in almost any way, shape, and form. Might be for biased reasons, but still. "What happened? What did you say?" I asked concerned and his face dropped. "I wish I could tell you Sam, but for personal reasons, I probably shouldn't," he said and I looked at him confused. Personal reasons as in he doesn't trust me? No. That's ridiculous. He totally trusts me right? Then what else could it be? Would he think I don't like him anymore depending on who he said it to? "I don't mean to be nosy, but what do you mean 'personal reasons'? As your friend I really want to help you, but I can't if you don't give me more detail," I said a little more sternly than I wanted, and his face dropped even more. "Look, I'm one hundred percent on board with helping if you just tell me what's wrong," I said and placed my hand on his arm. "But I can't!" He shouted, ripping his arm out of my grip. I took a few steps back in awe. He has never lost his cool like that, at least in front of me. I wasn't freaking out on him or anything and he full-on loses it? This isn't the Logan I know. Why would he lose his marbles over me wanting to help him? He looked back up at me, and it almost looked like he was holding back tears "I can't," He whimpered out. I looked him in the eyes and they had a sense of pain in them, a sight I really wish I didn't see. He looked like a small boy who lost his family. "Logan. This isn't OK. You are extremely stressed out and it isn't healthy. I just wanted to help," I said looking into his eyes. They seemed to go from sad to angry. From pouring rain to speeding whirlpools. "Well guess what, I didn't ask for your input on my health, nor did I ask for your help!" He shouted coming a few steps forward while I took a few steps back. "If I say I can't tell you then I fucking can't Sam!" Logan said taking a few more steps in my direction. I kept stepping back until my back hit a wall. "Logan," I mumbled trying to get him to calm down, but I didn't have the emotional strength to raise my voice. "Don't 'Logan' me Sam! You're just sad what I'm saying is true and you don't want to be wrong! Well, guess what Mrs. Nobel Prize you're not always right!" He shouted, his face only inches from mine. I never think I'm always right. I felt my eyes start to water and I think he saw that, but he still stood his ground. "Don't try and use your guilt card. Maybe I was right about you on the first day," He said and something inside me just clicked and my anger rose within me. "You know what?! Fine!" I shouted and Logan immediately stepped back and I think I saw a hint of fear written on his face. "I'm sorry I wanted to help! I'm sorry I cared about you!" I shouted pointing a finger at his chest. He kept backing up while I pressed forward. Logan's mouth kept opening and shutting like a fish "And what I'm most sorry for is that I considered you a friend!" I shouted with hot tears pouring down my face. I saw the regret and sadness on his face, but I had too much rage inside my system to care. "Don't even think about looking in my direction tomorrow. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, I want nothing to do with you! If you really think I'm the girl Emma wanted you to see me as you can go to hell!" I shouted. I tried walking home when a hand grabbed my arm. "Sam," Logan stated, but I ripped out of his grip and kept walking. Logan grabbed my arm again, but with a tighter grip. "Sam, please!" Logan shouted and I turned to now see tears running down his face too. "I didn't mean it! You're right! I'm stressed, angry, and a whole lot of other things!" He said with more tears dripping off his face onto the sidewalk. "I shouldn't have freaked out on you like that, you didn't deserve it. Please don't walk away from me right now!" He said grabbing my shoulders. I didn't say another word before getting out of his grip once again and started heading home. More tears were running down my face as I kept walking away from Logan. Out of weakness, I looked back to see his head in his hands, with him sitting on the ground, with his back against the wall. I hate seeing him like this. I still like this guy for some stupid reason. He let out his entire rage on me for no reason and I still fucking like him. Maybe 'cause I know he didn't mean it. Logan would never mean something like that. I got a kick from my pocket and I looked down to see Hephaestus looking at me. "You know how bad that kid is taking what you said to him?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. "Do you not know what that boy just said to me? I have the right to be angry and he deserves to hear it," I said in a snobby voice. I didn't mean it that way, but with the way I was feeling my tone of voice doesn't seem to be under my control. "I know, but you still have a soft spot for him right?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm not saying you're wrong for feeling the way you do, but saying you want nothing to do with him was not your best move. If you want a chance with him he needs to know you want him in your life," he said and I sighed. " I know, I know, but I'm just.....mad," I sighed. "I'll see if I have the courage to apologize tomorrow, but I want one in return," I said and Hephaestus agreed. "Of course. I wouldn't expect anything less," He said and that's when we arrived at my front door. I accepted my faith of being integrated by my brother with my red eyes, and wet cheeks. I take a deep breath and look at the small god in my pocket giving me a thumbs up before opening the door. I walk in to see my brother waiting for me at the kitchen counter. "How did it go?" he asked while turning around to face me and his smile disappeared. I just shook my head. "Let's just say this night was a major bust," I said walking up to my room. Alec didn't even attempt to talk to me about it 'cause he knows the consequences of that. I'll just get more pissed off and I will make more than one enemy tonight. I plopped myself down on my bed and opened my phone. I got a shit ton of notifications from an unknown number and I quickly put two and two together and found out it was Logan's number. Five missed calls and five messages after the night I've had, it has to be him.
-Sam. I got your number from Steven, pick up the damn phone
-Please pick up. I'm sorry
-I already lost one friend I don't need to lose you too
-I'll do whatever it takes to win our friendship back if you'll just pick up
-I know I fucked up and what I did was a shitty thing to do. You didn't deserve that
More tears threatened to fall when I read the messages over and over again. We both fucked up. "The boy obviously cares for you kid, and he is obviously sorry. I know what he said was really shit, but you said shitty things back. Call the kid back," He said in a pleading voice and I looked at him. His expression made me feel even worse about what I did, but I'm not ready for that yet. I don't want to face him so soon. "I want to, but I don't want to do it yet. I just want to cool down," I said and he nodded. Hephaestus regained normal human size and sat beside me on the bed. He wrapped his one arm around me and I tensed a bit, not used to him being like this. I took a breath to say something, but he beat me to it. "Don't say anything, I'm new to this condolence thing," he said and we both let out a quiet chuckle. I nodded and leaned into his strong torso. I was happily just sitting there when I felt a rumble through the floor. I stabilized myself with my hands on Hephaestus's shoulders and looked out the window for answers. "What the fuck was that?!" I shouted and I felt a presence coming up the stairs. "Hephaestus, hide!" I whisper shouted and he immediately jumped into my pocket in his tiny form. Alec almost broke down my door and he looked insanely panicked. "Are you OK Sam?" he asked and I only nodded. "There is a weird slime ball thing in the center of town! It's swallowing everything!" He said and my blood went cold. "A what?" I asked and he nodded. I looked outside to see what Alec told me. A giant blue slime ball. It had freaking eyes and little arms. It was actually kind of cute if it was freaking destroying everything! "I'm going to check up on some friends down the road, you stay here and don't even think about leaving your room?" he sternly said and I nodded, even though I'm leaving as soon as he shuts the door. He exited my room and when I heard him close the front door I transformed. I swing my way outside and look at what I'm up against. This is going to be a long night.
Author's note:
First of all, terribly sorry for no update last week. School wanted to just hit me in the face with a frying pan.
Second, I know I ended this one on a bad note, but just have patience.
Third, if you want to see artwork of a bunch of fandoms like Teen Titans, Miraculous, and more you should check out my new Instagram account.
My username is : _crazy_fandoms_fanatic_ on Instagram
Thanks a lot :)

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...