Ellie and I separated ways and I was walking home. My phone was buzzing like mad because Steven was still calling me non stop. I was considering blocking him for a bit. I was walking home until I got a kick in the back. I turn my head to see Hephaestus looking at me with a bit of disapproval. "What?" I asked a bit annoyed because of the kick. Hephaestus sighs and facepalms. "Kid, just answer the boy. I'm very annoyed about the constant vibration on my butt, and I bet he has an explanation about what he said about you being whoever is making those creatures," he said in annoyance. "Wait, you're sitting on my phone?" I asked with a small laugh. He looked at me, cause he knew I was stalling. "Fine, I'll answer his next ca-" as if on cue the devil himself called again. I stopped and pulled the phone out of my bag and accepted the call. "Hello?" I asked annoyed. "Look, Sam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to be sure. You have to understand that!" Steven shouts through the phone. I roll my eyes. "Steven. You are one of the people who should know I wouldn't do such a thing. You should have been one of the people who stood up for me and said I would never do those things." I said. I heard him sigh over the phone. "What will it take to make it up to you? Anything you want me to do, name it, and it's done," Steven said desperately, honestly, it sounded pathetic. "Honestly I just want you to stop calling me. I got the video from Ellie so this will be all cleared up. I don't need you for anything." I said disgustedly. "Look, Sam. You have to understand things from my perspective. This rumor was so strong, teachers believed it. Do you expect me to not give in to it a least a little bit? You probably would have felt the same if you were in my shoes." he stated. "Well, you don't know me then. I would have known you wouldn't do such a thing, and I would have been sticking up for you." I said. That was all the tolerance I had for his sorry butt, so I hung up the phone, and sighed. "Kid, he really is sorry. You can't just forgive him this one time?" I shake my head. "Of course not. He suspected me of hurting people and destroying the town. Would you forgive someone after that?" I asked. Hephaestus just slightly nodded. Not even a second after I asked that I get another phone call from the one and only Steven. So I pick up the phone once again. "What more do you want?" I asked annoyed. "Sam, please. I will do everything in my power t-" Steven stammered, but I had had enough. "Steven one more word and I tell everyone about your crush on Ellie!" That was all I said before hanging up the phone. I sigh and put my phone back in my bag. I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head. I might forgive him, but it sure as hell isn't going to be now. "Kid, that was really confident of you, but shouldn't you save that for that Emma chick?" Hephaestus asked with a cocked brow. I roll my eyes. "Look I don't need to talk to Emma more than I half to. Plus after that video goes out she probably won't bother me for a while anyway." I say with confidence. "You should really take up his offer. Anything you want, it's yours, he sounds that desperate." Hephaestus said with a laugh. " I might, but I really don't want to take advantage of someone's downfall like that. I'll probably forgive him, but I just want to cool off from his obliviousness." I say and Hephaestus nodded with my choices. I make my way home and plop myself on my bed. I decided now I should be able to focus on the work. I was trying to work all day, but like this morning I still couldn't focus. You know, I could transform and just go for a swing around town. That might be my new way of unwinding and refocusing. I mutter my usual phrase and swing out the window. I was flying over my beloved town, looking at all the lights that almost looked like stars. I found myself on top of a building with no access to the top so no civilians will find me while I just sit and look at the stars. I start to stargaze and then I hear a thud behind my head. Naturally, I spring up with my weapon in hand ready to defend myself. Instead of a villain, I see Cyclone. He looked depressed. I put my weapon down and look at him. "Hey Cyclone. What are you doing out so late?" I asked with a smile, that he returned. "I could ask you the same thing." He said, raising his brows. I roll my eyes. "Such a cliché response." I say with a sigh, and he only laughs. "And the ladies love it." He says with a smirk. "But really. What are you doing here Cyclone?" I asked curiously. He only sighed. "I think I may have lost a very close friend. I really don't want to lose them, but I think I majorly messed up." He says sadly. I give him a sorry look. "What did you do?" I asked. He laughed. "I would, but don't want identities out you know." He laughs and so do I. "Well have you tried apologizing?" I asked and he laughed a bit. "I tried, but they won't hear me out." He sighs. "Well, just give them time. Maybe they aren't ready to hear you out just yet. Just give them their needed space, and eventually, they will be cooled off and ready to hear you out." I say. He seems to have taken it into deeper thought. "What if giving them space leads to us drifting apart and eventually not talking anymore? What am I supposed to do then?" He kind of shouts. "Well, then you guys weren't meant to be friends. If they aren't willing to hear you out and be friends again, then don't waste your time with them." I say and he nods with what I had to say. "Thanks. I really needed to hear that. Now, what are you really doing up here?" He asks with a smirk, and I roll my eyes. "I just came here to refocus and unwind a bit. Today was a touch stressful." I say. "What does someone like you need to unwind for? You seem like the kind of girl to never be stressed, and the kind of girl that knows what to do at all time." He laughs and I do too. "Well, that's superhero me. Civilian me has so much stress, but that's not important. I should really get back home. I'll see you later, Cyclone." I said giving him a wave. "Wait. I wanted to properly say sorry for the way I acted when we first met. That wasn't cool." He said lowering his head, but I smiled. "You are already forgiven. I don't exactly blame you either." I say with a laugh and eventually, he laughs too. I bid my goodbyes and I am on my way. I'm swinging along when I look below to see something, almost a robbery. I swing down on the streets to hear what's going on. "Drop the wallet and you don't get shot, it's that simple." The one man slurred. That was all I needed to hear. I run up to the man from behind and grab his arms. He lets off a couple of shots but all go in the air. I put his arms behind his back and pushed him on his knees. I looked up at who was being robbed and it was Logan."You need to run. I can take it from here." I pushed that out of my mind and I wrapped the convict's wrists together, and I pulled him down to the police station. Sure it was extremely weird to see a hero pulling a man down the streets, but I had no source of contacting anyone. I was walking and pulling this man around until he started talking. "Ya know, this is illegal. This is kidnapping." He said, slurring his words. So not only was he robbing someone he was also drunk. Great. This man roughly in his late thirties is robbing kids, and he is telling me I'm doing something wrong. I just shrug it off and keep walking. "Ma boys will be here soon to kick your ass and you won't be able to stop them!" the man shouts. I roll my eyes, ignoring his shenanigans. I keep walking until I hear footsteps behind me. This drunk couldn't actually have back up. I push those out noises and keep on walking, until I hear another noise, and it sounded like a gun. I slowly turn around to see not one, not even two, but three guys with three hand guns, one for each. "Let the boss go." He says in a deep voice. These three dudes are over six foot and I had to strain my neck to look up at them. "This man committed a crime, and depending on what you do, you will join your 'boss' in a holding cell." I say firmly, but I don't think they took me seriously since I'm a solid foot shorter than them. They all let out low laughs and give me creepy grins. We basically had a staring contest until the two men grabbed both my arms. I struggle in their grip and they only seem to tighten their grip on my arms. I still had the whip in my hand and if I could see my knuckles I could guarantee they were white. "Let go of the whip. If you do there won't be an extra hole in your body." One of the men said with an evil stare. There is no way I'm going out this way, this early. I haven't graduated yet. I haven't gotten married yet. I don't know how my favourite show ends. There is so much I haven't done yet, and it is all going to end before I get to do those things. I close my eyes and brace for the shot. I would rather die doing the right thing, then living by doing the wrong thing. I brace for impact until I hear a kick. I open my eyes to see who saved me "Hightide?"

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...